Appendix – List of Names – 1869

Family and Friends

Name Last Name Also Known As Notes
Carry O’Reilly Caroline Née Trutch
Charlotte Kathleen O’Reilly “Puss-pie”
Daughter of Peter & Carry
Frank O’Reilly “Ala”
Son of Peter & Caroline
Peter O’Reilly Husband
Joe Trutch Joseph Fairfield
John Trutch John Brother of Joe and Caroline
Julia Trutch Née Hyde Wife of Joe
Mama Trutch, Mrs. Charlotte Mother of Caroline, Joe, and John
Nelly ? friend
Tommy ?
Trutch Mrs. ? young
Fairfield Trutch Home Victoria

Servants and Animals

Name Association Notes
Charles Labourer
Clark Farm Hand Yale
Ellen House Maid
Mary Former Maid O’Reilly
Mashell Groom
Tom House Boy Chinese
Hector Dog Yale
Dan Horse
Punch Horse

People Mentioned

Name Title Association
Alison Mr.
Alston Mr., Mrs.
Ashley Mrs. E.
Barlow Mrs.
Blouse Mr.
Bond Mrs. Nurse
Burnaby Mr.
Burr Mr.
Bushby Mr.
Cave Mrs. Former nurse
Charles Mr., Mrs. Victoria
Coffee Mr.
Cornwall Mr.
Drake Mr., Mrs.
Evans Mr., Mrs..
F.F. Mr. ? Foster
Fellows Mrs. A
Flemming Capt.
Foster Mr., Mrs.
Gordon Mr., Mrs.
H.E. His Excellency ? Seymour
Hanhiu Mr.
Hardisty Mr.
Hawkins Mr.
Helmcken Dr.
Hunt Mrs.
Jackson Mrs.
Jenns Mrs.
Johnston Mrs.
Ker Mr., Mrs.
Landought Mr.
Lethbridge Mrs.
London Mr.
Mara Mr.
McCrea Mr., Mrs.
McKay Mr., Mrs.
McKay Miss Agnes
Micking Mrs.
Mists Mrs.
Musgrave Mr. Governor
Noyle Miss
Palmer Miss
Parsons Mrs.
Porter Mr., Mrs.
Powell Dr.
Savage Mr. Robert
Seymour Mr., former Governor Died Jun 10 1869
Seymour Mrs. Mrs. S
Spence Mr.
Tait Mrs.
Tooley Mr.
Walker Mrs.
Ward Mr., Mrs.
White Mrs.
Wood Mr., Mrs.
Wood Miss


Vessel Route or Type
Active Ocean Liner
Enterprise Fraser River – Victoria
Lillooet Fraser River


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This collection of letters has been digitized from an earlier transcription project and is for informational purposes only. This transcription has not been verified against the originals. Researchers interested in these letters should consult the original documents housed at the BC Archives.

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