
Beautiful morning. Settled accts with
Bushby – paid him £ [left blank] Paid Begbie
$250- rent collected by me for him,
presented petition for South half of L3-B3.
Ordered to serve notice on Huntoon & Curtis
Recd $100- fr Bushby to send to Sanders.
Took Mr Charles to the Theatre the first
performance ever attempted at Hope, & not half
a bad one – very amusing – & Miss S. Robinson
very good looking & plays well.

Up early. Held Court busy in office
all day. Meeting about the Industrial
exhibition. Begbie in the Chair. I was
appointed Chair much to my disgust
Pringle as usual being the cause – in a
horrid humour all the evening – in
spite of all I could do. Walker dined with
us. Went to the Theatre. All the Yale
ladies present dance afterwards – did not
go – Bushby & Walker went – turned in
at 12- in the [illegible]
[overwritten text]
I think if I get
my letters I should
be all right

Up early Held Court issued mining
certificates. Walked with Bushby, afterwards
went out with to fish with Begbie, but
could not get a rise. Walker Bushby and
Dewdney rode out to Glennies. Walker
dined. Yale steamer went to Jeffreys Bar & returned.
Took Mrs Charles to the Theatre, a very
stupid performance house full – home
at 11½ – sat up late with Begbie

Up at 6- Begbie Bushby & Walker left
in St Yale B. & B. fr Douglas Walker for Westminster
Paid Constable Edmonds in full for 31st March
$102- Also Const Cregie in full Salary amt paid
by him of requisition & horse acct $250- bal
due $23 – Worked in garden spent the
evening at the Fort.
Home early – very lonely –

Str Moody arrived no mail Moberly &
Dr Oliver arrived. The Hope arrived at noon
a few letters and present of sturgeon fr Hope
Agreed to buy L2- B2 – fr Hotchin for $2000.
Wrote a heap of letters. Got the horse shod
The Yale arrived & stopped over night. Theatre
did not go. Dr Oliver slept. Up Country
express arrived recd receipts for 2 lots at
Lytton. A good deal of rain during
the night
[overwritten text]
Sent by Butler
£20 to Sanders
to pay for Bushbys

Moody left at 8- A.M.
Everything late Held Court at 11- issued
a great number of mining certificates to
Chinamen. In office nearly all day.
Lent Moberly & Dewdney £35-. Working in
Garden. Dined at 4- Hotchin & Pringle
called. Hope Str left at 2- took down
Mail. Yale returned & stopped over night
Capt Jamaison doing the agreeable to Miss
Robinson Went to the play with Charles, rather
dull – Turned in at 12-
[overwritten text]
Recd by Express
$50- for which
I signed a receipt
but dont know
from whom it

Wet morning breakfast at 10- Pringle
came 10¼ Service at 11- 7- present
Walked with Br Oliver to the Bishops lake
met some Indians returning fr Similkameen
with whom we had a wa wa. Str Moody arrived
with atlantic Express – But as usual “No Mail” It is
really too bad
. How I long for my letters.
Service at 7- only 4- present Collection
$50- Dr Rumsey staying at Pringles

Str Moody left at 8 O.C.
Cold & raw morning Issued a number of mining
certificates. Held Court. The deed perfected by Hotchin
& myself & witnessed by Cregie for the purchase of Lot
2-B2. Posted letter to the Capt enclosing copy of
the Bills & telling him of the investment I had made
for him. Enclosed No 7 to Mamsey
. Strs Hope &
Dutchman arrived the latter brought a mail but
no English letters. Walked with Dr Oliver
to the Qecaquealla, he went to Pringles
came home wrote & turned in at 12 –

Beautiful morning Strs Hope & Dutchman
went to Yale & returned to Westminster
Worked in my garden nearly all day –

In office all day. Issuing
Mining Certificates & recording claims
Beautiful weather.
Sewed some peas, beans, lettuce, and

Beautiful day. In office
Held Court at 10- A.M.
Prepared accounts, & land
return. Issued warrant for the
arrest of two Chinamen charged
with stealing potatoes.

Str Moody arrived but no mail
Grant took up his quarters
with me walked with him over
the new road, to which he objected
bad head ache. Grant & Dr Oliver
dined at 6-

Rode with Grant & Moberly to Thomas’
new home – fished on our return to
the Quaquealla. Grant killed two river
trout. My head so bad I was obliged to
return & got to bed. Charles cashed
the Colonels cheque for $350 – which
I held for the payment of his land.
Very ill all night.

1861-04-14 *
Service at 11- OC 4 attended no evening service. Walked with
Grant on the waggon road. Str Moody & Yale arrived
no mail. The Yale left for Yale & at a quarter before five
exploded on Union bar killing poor Capt Jamaison Sam
Powers, & Joel Osbourne wounding several, Grant
Oliver Landvoigt Stephens Langley providentially escaped, poor
Grant how delighted I was to see him. Such a fearful
sight I never witnessed. The Str literally blown to pieces
appointed special constables. They providing attendance
for the wounded. Jas King had his leg blown off
The place in dreadful state of confusion.
[overwritten text 1]
Poor Jamieson
was never seen
after the explosion
The hull of the steamer
floated past the
town & was moored on
[illegible] Bar – The Indians
deserve the greatest
credit for their courage &
conduct in saving the lives
of passengers, & recovering portions
of the freight
[overwritten text 2]
Cregie arrested
Indian George who
upset the canoe
& nearly drowned him
[illegible] badly [hit] &
hurt on the

Up at 5- dispatched Constable Edmonds to Union
Bar in search of the body of Capt Jamaison. Visited the
wreck. Reported the explosion to His Excellency. Held
inquest on the bodies of Joel Osbourne & Sam
Powers. Sanders Crickmer & nearly all the
Yale people came down, inquest over at 5 P.M.
The bodies intered, service by the Revd Pringle
Stephens ill. The steamer Moody left for
Westminster at 1 P.M. Grant & Oliver went down
A reward of $300- offered fr the body of poor Jamaison

Beautiful morning. Cregie searched for missing
property belonging to the Yale, & succeeded in
recovering a good deal – visited with Charles the
scene of the accident, found the banks covered
with fragments of the wreck, & parts of the boiler
blown ½ a mile. A number of men employed
in recovering the freight & machinery from the wreck
The Robinson family returned from Yale. Miss S.
in great grief at the loss of poor Jamaison for
whom universal regret is felt.
[overwritten text]
Mr Langley left with
Dr Fifer early for Yale
Sent Begbies [green
chest] & letters by
him to be forwarded

Busy in office, wrote a number of letters
Visited the wreck nearly all the property remained
The wounded progressing most favourably
under the care of Dr Bradshaw.
Pringle trolling about bothering every
person. What a fidgetty fellow he is!
How anxiously I am expecting my home

1861-04-18 **
Up early. Went down the river with Charles Mrs Charles
to see the wreck, & afterwards went on to fish
but no go. Steamers Hope & Moody arrived at
noon & went on to Yale. English Mail at
last Recd No 2- & 3- with enclosures fr. the
the Capt. & Tommy, & 3 papers. Claudet arrived
& took some views. Wrote a lot of letters, visited
the wounded man King, who is much better
Spent the evening at the Dewdneys.

Up at 6. Busy preparing for the Mail. Str
arrived fr Yale at 9- Mr Langley made me a
present of a telescope – he Stephens & Claudet
returned to Westminster. The Moody stopped at the
wreck. Millard Capt of the Hope reported the death
of “Mike” a deck lad who fell overboard on yesterday
Pringle issued notices calling for tenders for the
Church. Rode out & inspected the waggon road
Hotchin Landvoigt & Charles dined – turned in
at 11- PM. – Posted letter to the Capt with
No 8- to Mamsey

A good deal of rain during the night, &
showry morning James King the wounded
man pretty well. Set the clearing of
½ of Begbies lot 1- in Block 3 to [left
blank] for $25- Dined at the Fort. Worked
in garden planted some potatoes –
Dewdney & Glennie called. Lent the former

1861-04-21 *
Heavy rain & stormy night. No service
no attendance. Str Moody arrived at 3 P.M.
Capt Jamaisons Brother Capt Irving &
[left blank] called to
get copy of evidence taken at the inquest
Service at 7- 13 attended – Collection $3-60.
Wrote letters sat up late. Capt Jamieson’s
brother slept. Str Hope arrived

Up early. Jamaison went up in a canoe
to Union Bar. Strs Hope & Moody went
to Yale & returned early & left again for
Westminster. Sent down Jas King to the
Hospital. Subscription opened & 125$
subscribed for his benefit – gave $5- towards
it. Constable Edmonds served Glennie with
writ at the suit of Edney. George- Indian
prisoner attempted to escape fr Jail, but was
captured. Jamaison slept. heavy rain

Up early Jamieson went to Union bar to look
for his poor brother – Rented my lots 5,6,7 & 8 in B
4- to Brunskill for 6 months at [left blank]
Held Court. Chas Hurling charged by Chinaman
with receiving $40- under false pretenses –
Capt Jamaison dined & slept. Pringle
called at 11- P.M.
Cold raw day & heavy rain

Drew Bills on the Capt for £150- cashed
by Hotchin – to be invested in farming land.
Took Smiths Bill at 30 day for £100.
Hotchin gave me deeds for L2- B2. & L8-
B11= Str Moody & Hope arrived – Luard
came, & went on to Yale. Lent Dewdney
$120- to pay Hotchin –
Wrote to Capt advising him of my
having drawn on him & enclosed No 9

Very wet morning. Strs Hope & Moody
returned fr Yale. Hotchin left for England
Settled with Dewdney & made memoranda
at end of book. In office all day, half an
inch of snow. Dewdney dined Gompertz
called in the evening.
Jamieson slept.
Meeting at Yale in re the Steam boat

Fine morning, Jamaison left in a
canoe for Westminster intending to
look for his poor brother, on the way down
Luard arrived fr. Yale in a canoe with
Ballow & Scott. Went out fishing hooked
a fine fish about 1½ lb weight, but lost him
for want of a net. Luard & Dewdney dined

Very wet morning – cleared up about 10
rode out with Luard on the waggon road
Lounched at Dewdneys camp come on to rain
& got drenched – paid visits to Mrs Pringle &
Charles. Dined at Dewdneys – rather
seedy & spent rather a stupid evening
Home at 11- read & turned in.
Cregie very ill, in bed all day suffering
from the attack made on him by George
the Indian on the 14th inst.

Cregie better but still confined to bed
Stormy night heavy rain. – Strs Hope &
Col. Moody English Mail Recd No 4- & one
paper, also one fr Elliott. No morning service
Irving & the two Jamaisons called – Received a
sheep & salmon fr Westminster. Walked with
Luard to the Bishops farm. Dined at 5-
Service at 7- 6- attended – Collection $1-75-
Pringle & Hopper spent the evening – the former
informed us that he would not take the cocked hat
if offered – as his friends at home told him to keep quiet
Ha, Ha, Ha!

[no entry]

[no entry]

Back to Peter O’Reilly’s 1861 Diary

Peter O’Reilly’s 1861 diary has been transcribed by volunteers and staff of the Vancouver Island Local History Society and is for informational purposes only. Researchers interested in this diary are advised to consult the original document housed at the Royal British Columbia Museum & Archives, found in MS-2894, the O’Reilly family fonds.

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