AE Or3 Or31.1
File VI
Point Ellice, Victoria
My beloved Kitty,
Not many days have passed since I wrote to you but I must send a few lines to-day – yr father intended to but thinks he will not be able to to-day for we are going to the Matinee to hear “Paul Jones” and we can’t enjoy it without sending you a scribble before Monday. Jack came back on Thursday rather depressed – he did not have a very good sport, & seems out of luck! & of course, his holiday is over. The rains have at last commenced & have been very heavy, & the ceiling in the North room is much worse, the roof ought to have examd & repaird before the rain came. To-day is bright & yr father is gone to town. Harding has just been here with some roses & yr father has telephoned that he has a letter from Joe who was at Bailey’s Hotel where I hope you will be when you arrive. All were well in England. I have written to Lady Macdonald to tell her about yr being in Eng & I will write to others, Mrs. Blair & Lady Seymour. Two days ago I had a letter from Howard Whylock – he is in Montreal, but is to be in Eng on 14th Dec & as he has heard fr. Capt Ogilvie that I am going to Eng he wd like to go by the same steamer. It is very nice & friendly of him, is it not? I am writing to him to tell him how it is! That you are gone, but not I. I suppos Carry knows all about where he is & why he has come to America for six weeks so he says. I am trying to get courage to write to Carry about you, but I have not written for so long. I hope one will be kind & nice to you, my darling. I always tried to be to her. I am sure there are lots of things I ought to say to you, & I seem to be quite “cultus[?]”. There is another number come from you from Mr. Begbie. You must write & tell him you are in town & perhaps he will remember the hospitality with which he was treated here – people sometimes forget, though. I have just had a letter from Mrs. Bob! friendly as ever! she will be kind to you, if you let her – for my sake & yr father’s. She tells me that trouble has come to Edith Williams; her husband is very ill but it may be exaggerated. It is well for her that she has her father and mother with her and I hope he will soon be better. I suppose it is the result of the Malta fever. I hope Sir Michael will keep his health to the end of his turn he has not much longer now to stay.
[section missing]
[two pages that may belong either to letter Oct. 31, 1896 or to letter Dec. 16, 1896]
Miss Godley (Maude)
Carrigallen[?], Co Leitrim
I am ashamed of this letter, it is so untidy – be sure you burn them when you read – get a little book & make a memo of anything you want to remember & then tear them up. A few days after you left Jack went up to the Loewens, & he told us Martha B. Had told him that she had heard from Capt. Lambton that H.A.S. had been appointed to a ship but tho’ we have tried to get a Navy List we have not been able – they have none at Hibbens – so we know nothing more: I am sure this will be a disappointment to you & I feel quite unable to help you in any way, except with prayers, which are unceasing; & firm hope & belief that God’s mercy will guide & strengthen you, & that ultimately He will grant you yr heart’s desire, & make you happy in His own good time. Make Him yr friend, & counsellor, & he will make all things work together for your good. I always have so many things to say, I forget half, but will begin another letter as soon as this is gone and entreat you to write fully, & tell all yr little anxieties if you have them but I trust you will not – only wd I could know that your are happy.
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This collection of letters has been digitized from an earlier transcription project and is for informational purposes only. This transcription has not been verified against the originals. Researchers interested in these letters should consult the original documents housed at the BC Archives.