Cash Account

Date.                         Received.  Paid.
Jan 1st Paid Collection at Church        $1 00
    3rd   “ Constable Higman Decr        80 00
     “    “ Humfrey Johnston & Ross
            employed on Survey          105 00
          “ Urne for Presses             32 00
          “ Do-8 days in Court House     40 00
     “    “ Stand for Grind Stone         3
          “ Pringle Subscription &
            entrance fee for Library      6 00
          “ Pringle loan for Library     50 00
          “ Lent Pringle                100 00
          “ House acct to 31st Decr       7 25
          “ Keep of Prisoners fr Decr    16 50
          “ Paint Brush for Sergt McCall    50
     5th  “ Lent Findlaison              60 00
          “ Findlaison for Self           5 00
     9th  “ Paid Chisholm in full        80 “
            for Decr                     80
    16    “ Batteton for Lytton          10 “
    19    “ Sapper Turner for
            Capt Grant                   64 “
     “    “ McNeill for Mails
         (Hope & Yale) fr. Westminster    3 “
    30th    Paid Dustin for
            Col Moody                    70 50
Date.                          Received. Paid.
Feb 1  Paid Chisholm in full
            for the month of Jan         80 00
 “       “  F. Higman “ (who
            resigned this day            80 00
         “  Frank house acct
            in full to this day          17 75
   6th   “  Ross Humfery & Johnston      36 -
   9th   “  Chisholm on account          10 -
  11th   “  Sergt McCall fr Grant        25
   “     “  To Chisholm fr Indian to H river 4 50
   “     “  Finlaison -                  11 “
  20     “  Johnston Survey               9 00
“  “     “  Forwarded to Hamly
            per Landvoigt -$52           52 00
         “  Chisholm fr Indian to Yale    4 00
  23rd   “  Gold Commission Indian Victor Bar 1”
  25     “  To Sergt McCall               2 “
   “     “  Yales Interpreter             5 “
   “     “  Finlaison                     5 “
  29th   “  Charles for Cigars            2 00
   “     “  Hotchins - Tobacco            2 00 
   “     “  Chisholm in full for Work    77 00
   “     “  Moores for cutting wood       2 00
Date.                          Received. Paid.
March 1st   To LeTray, to Cornish Bar    50
  “   2  “  Tilly for Stationary          2 50
  “   4  “  Finlaison on account          5 “
  “   4  “  Church                        “ 50
  “   5  “  For Lynx Skin                 2
  “   “  “  Tooth brush                  50
  “   7th“  Finlaison on acct            10
  “   “  “  Do Do                         4 50
  “   “  “  Landvoigt oils paints &c
            supplied to Engineers         6
  “   9  “  Canoe on Gold Commission      3
  “  13th“  Findlaison for Marshall       4 50
  “  14  “  Canoe G. C. Hudsons Bar       3 “
  “   “  “  Findlaison for Marshall       4 50
  “   “  “  Do Record of 2 claims         2
  “  20th“  Do at Sunday times            3
  “  25  “  Do —                         12
  “  26th“  Dr Bradshaw fr attendance
            Flynn                        15
  “   “  “  Yates interpreter             5
  “  22  “  R. T. Smith for Lots $130-
            & fr  Ball &100-            230 “
  “  26th“  Popper on acct of ½ lot
            B 3 L 2                     100 “
  “  27  “  Finlaison                     3 50 
  “  26  “  Canoe of G. Commission        1 “
  “  29th“  Finlaison                     1 “
  “   “  “  Canoe G. Commission           4 “
  “  31st“  Finlaison fr freight on
            board                         2 50
  “   “  “  Canoe across river           25
Date.                          Received. Paid.
April 2 To Ross in full to 31st inst    $24 00
  “   “ “  Sergt McCall                 210 00
  “   4 “  Paid Finlaison House acct Salary
           for Feb & March & all other
           demands to 31st March        186 13
  “   “    Westminster Times             25
  “   “    Rattray in full to 4th inst   69 “
  “   “    Do shovel pick & axe           2 50.
  “   8 “  Church                         1 “
  “   9 “  H.B.C. Langley acct per
           Charles                       64 “
  “   “ “  To Charles for wine           11 “
      “ “  Popper balance of B.3.L.2    100 “
      “ “  Finlaison on acct             33 “
     16th“ Church -                      50
     17 “  Ross on Survey                30
     18 “  Chisholm for lots in full    580 00
      “ “  Scoo cum to Mansons Mt         3 “
     19 “  Michaud wood fr office         4 “
     23 “  Finlaison on acct             37 “
     24 “  Do - Do                        5 “
     25 “  Do for fish                    “ 50
Date.                          Received. Paid.
    11  Fare to W. M. per Henrietta       5
    11  To Grant balance of purchase
        of lot 2. B 16-                  70
    12  Fare to Victoria per Otter        5
    19  Henrietta Str Maria fare 2 horses
        self & Indian to Langly          14 “
     “  Blinkensop for Gloves             1 “
     “  Barnes Lempriers servant          5 “
    21  Rope & swivel for horse           1 25
    23rd 92 lbs of oats @ 4½ cts          4 14
     “  Newton fr catching horse          2 “
     “  Maao for taking letter to N.W.M.  5 “
     “  Comfits & Lozenges                1 “
    27 Newton fr broken bridle            3 50
Date.                          Received. Paid.
    2   “   Sheldon on acct              50 “
    4   “   Seymour on acct              25 “
    5   “   Sheldon in full              49 88
    “   “   Pielte in full Survey        17 50
    7   “   Carter fees fr Spalding      11 50
    “   “   Michaud fr drawing
       pailing                            7 50
    8th “   Finlaison in full fr
            Salary & all other
            demands to 31st May         102 78
    “   “   Do Pay in full to this day
    “   “   Uren on acct of Bridge      250 “
    “   “   Yates interpreter            10 “
   10th “   Thompson & Campbell
            for fence, to be charged
            to Begbie                     2 50
   10th “   Church                          50.
   11th “   Frank on acct.                5 “
    “   “   Canoe to Yale with Sapper     5 “
   13   “   Dr Bradshaw paints Survey     2 00
    “   “   J. Orr Exploration &c         8 “
   16   “   Frank on acct                 5 “
   17   “   Church                          50
   18   “   Orr for Good                 15 “
   19   “   Coe on acct of awning        15
    “   “  Frank house acct to 16th June 17 25
   23   “   Do Do to 23 June             18 25
   29th     Yates interpreter             5 “
   30th “   Uren for board of R.
            Engineers                   226 “
Date.                         Received.  Paid.
July 2nd “  Dr Bradshaw Survey            5 “
 “   “      Charles fr Boston B.
            Similkameen & [Mc—-]
            in full                     177 1
 “   4   “  J. C. Scott Survey - 8 days  24 “
 “   “   “  Frank on acct                50 “
 “   “      Teague Do                   100 “
     7th “  Wood fr Engineers 2 50
     “   “      Alick Michaud fr Nind
            10 days                      30 “
     “   “  -Merrit Do 7 - days          21 “
     “   “  Orr fr Good on acct.         20 “
     “   “
     “   “  Portman for Good             50 “
    18      Canoe with Col M & R.E. to
            Indian Village at Quaquealla  1
    22      Canoe to Victoria Bar as G.C. 1
    22      Church                        “ 50
    24th    Washing Bill                  6 75
    23      Canoe with Col. to I. Village 1 “
    30 Orr for Good                      16 “
[left margin text]
Sunday 8th
21 - $4.10
Date.                         Received.  Paid.
   10th  To Blinkensop on acct of
            Kaitzie farm                700 00
   11th     Paid House acct to this date  8 75
   15    “  Paid fr Col. Moody           75
            Carriage of baggage          25 -
    “    “  Recd fr Trutch
            10 per cent                  20 50
         “  Portman Dr                   10 “
         “  Paid Const Teague in
            full all demands
         “  16 this date -              250 35
    “    “  Const Higman Do             125 62½
   18    “  Canoe to Yale with Col M     10 50
   31       Yates Interpreter            10
Date.                         Received.  Paid.
    29th “  Carter Blacksmith in full    11 50
    29th “  Carter Blacksmith B.B. acct
            in full                      24 50
     6th “  Washing Bill (Seymour)        1 75
     7th “  Capt Murry per order of
            E. Dewdney to R.W. Torrens  392
         “  Fruit to Merrit               1 00
    16th “  H.B.C. account in
            full - private acct          52 3½
    14   “  H.B.C. for Engineers         41 29
         “  Do for Indians employed
            by Sergt McCall              14 “
    15  “   Indian for Canoe on
            G.C. duty 12th inst
     “  “   G Landvoigt Boston Bar Trail
            in full                      66 84
        “   Do for Engineers             18 16
     “  “   T Hotchin Boston Bar in full114 75
     “  “   Do for Engineers             30 91
     “  “   Landvoigt for Towel           1 25
     “  “   Hotchin Express charges on
            Watch                         2 75
     “  “   Frank house acct to 8th 
            in full                       9 83
    17th“   Edney Horse hire & Barley on
            B B Trail                    12 25
     “  “  J Uren fr R Engineers in full 297 20
     “  “   Do Finlaison note fr Cash
            Pd Ross                      78 “
     “  “   Lent to Pringle             100 “
     “  “   1st Assessment Greenwood lead
            for self & Nind              71 50
    21  “   Capt Joe Riddle for Morse
            dried fish                   12 50
     “  “   Pringle fr Church Collections 7 50
    24  “   Do Do                        16
     “    Cregie in full Rock Creek acct 16 25
Date.                         Received.  Paid.
Octr 1   To Frank salary for August Jail acct
           & Canoe hire & all in full   106 “
     “   “ Constable Teague Salary in
           full Augst                    80 “
 “   “   “ Cregie (Cash lent)            15 “
 “   1   “ Cromellin Yale Constable      10 “
     2nd “ Const Teague salary & all in full
           $4.50 Canoe fr Sept           84 50
     “   “ Higman Do Do Prisoners
           Canoe &c                     143 25
     “   “ Breakfast self & Moberly
           at Burns                       1 50
     “   “ Cregie in advance for House
           acct                          10 -
     “   “ Ross Backing on B.B. Trail     9 -
     “   “ Reece beef fr R.E.            14 50
     “   “ Good for Ker in full          80 31
     “   “ Do fr Lampkin Prospecting     20 “
     “   “ Do fr Marston Provisions
           Vermilion trail              146 50
    10   “ 2nd Assessment Greenwood lead
           & self $8-87 each Nind        17 75
    12   “ Freight on 1 sheep for Str
           Moody                          2 “
    15   “ Marston of orders signed by
           Good                          40 “
     “   “ Const on Gold Comm duty        1 50
 “   “   “ Express charges on Gov
           letters                        3 “
    16   “ Dr Bradshaw in full           88 50
     “   “ Thompson on acct              10 “
    15   “ Cregie on house acct          10 “
    27     Shoemaker                      1 -
    30th Pd Begbie in full after
           deducting expenses of small
           veranda &c                    33 -
Date.                         Received.  Paid.
No. 2nd To Constable Summerville
           on acct                       30 “
  “ 5      Pringle fr Church Collections 10 -
   10th “ Elliot fr Share in Steam boat 100
    “   “  Lent on I.O.U. to Elliot     150
   12   “  Teague salary & every thing
           in full                      224
    “   “  Cregie Salary Jail & house acct
           & pd in full                 134 63
        “  Hotchin Boston Bar acct       99 19
        “  Do - for R Engineers          10 25
        “  Do Shingles for Veranda        9 -
        “  Do Candles &c Sept
           Requisition                    3 50
        “  Do Do Augst Requisition        9 75
   13th “ Thompson & Party in full
           Boston Bar trail             719 75
   15th “ Pringle for letter case         2 50
    “   “ Charles for 1½ tons of hay
          19th & freight                 60 -
   20th   Ballows express Charges fr
          Kettle                          2
    “     Instalment Assessment on
          Greenwood lead Nind & self     26 -
    “   “ Pringle for use of tent B. B
          Trail                          20 “
        “ Canoe to McCalls lake with
          Charles                        50
   27   “ Fare to H. River in the Yale
          Cregie & self                   4 “
   28   “ Dinner & breakfast at Glennons  3 50
    “   “ Fare to Hope in Moody           3
   30   “ Indian employee by R.E.
          on acct                        10 “
Date.                         Received.  Paid.
Decr 1   To Cregie on acct               40
          “ Fare to Westminster in 
            the Yale                      4
     2nd  “ Church                        3 50
     6    “ Tribute Luard Servt           5 “
     “    “ Price (tailor) altering 2 pr of
            pants                         3 “
     “    “ Harris (butcher for sheep, &
            mutton                       18 80
     “    “ Newton fr Butter $6-25(an $2  8 25
     7th  “ Fare &c to Hope in Str Moody  6 “
     9    “ Church                        1 -
    12    “ Cregie on acct              150
    19    “ Summerville in full
    27    “ 2 Assessments Yale Str #20
            each                         40
    28      Assessment on Greenwood
     “      lead Nind & self             26 “
            Yates interpreter             5 “

Back to Peter O’Reilly’s 1860 Diary

Peter O’Reilly’s 1860 diary has been transcribed by volunteers and staff of the Vancouver Island Local History Society and is for informational purposes only. Researchers interested in this diary are advised to consult the original document housed at the Royal British Columbia Museum & Archives, found in MS-2894, the O’Reilly family fonds.

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