Date Received Paid
Jany 1st Paid Cregie on acct 50 //
“ Lent Pringle 20 //
25 McDonell on Ninds acct. 30 //
27 Cregie Postage acct in full 1 50
29th Mashell 15 //
30 Do for four skins 1 25
“ Jno Campbell distressed
miner fr. Church Collection 10 //
Date Received Paid
Feb 2nd McDonell on Ninds acct 15 //
3 Mashell for Fisher skin 1 50
4 Indians for skins 1 75
6 Dewdney on acct per Dick 20 -
7 Do for Satcher 10 //
6 Landvoigt - Dewdneys order 26 00
9 McDonell Ninds acct 10 00
11th Jno Thompson Douglas Constable 5 //
12th Cregie on acct 40
15 McDonnell on Ninds acct 15 00
17th Charles freight of box per
Princess Royal 2 75
19 Bernard Purser of the Yale per
- Dewdneys order for freight 65 //
20 Fish — 50
21 McDonell Ninds acct 60 //
23 Rattray special Constable 3 //
24 Church 1 //
25 Uren on acct 15 //
“ McDonell on Ninds acct 80 //
28 Hooper for oat meal 1 45
Date Received Paid
1st Cregie on acct 25 //
2nd Pahalick for skins 10 //
3 Church morning & evening 1 25
4th Const Edmonds on acct 160 00
“ Do on acct 50 00
5 Cregie on acct 25 //
4 Lent Pringle 20 00
“ Yates Interpreter for Jany
& Feby 20 00
13th Express letter from Torrens 25
“ Cregie on account 50 //
14 Pahalic for skins 2 50
15 Lampkin & Hays 24 day in full 72 //
for the Bishop
“ Orr on acct of Survey 10 –
17th Orr - in full - Survey 16 //
“ Ross in full Survey 26 =
20th Dewdney & Moberly fr 1st mile
- of waggon road 1200 //
20 Dewdney & Moberly fr 2- mile
1200 //
21 Cregie on acct 10 //
25 Do “ 40 //
“ Brunskill per order Frank 9 50
“ Charles on Dewdneys acct 200 //
“ [Tom & Comena](Indian)
Survey 24 //
30 Charles for Eggs 4 //
“ Satcher for clearing lot 3 //
31st Cregie on acct 20
Call on [assault]
[illegible] 20
Date Received Paid
1st Lent Gompertz $34 0
2 Dewdney’s acct Private Moor 12 00
1 Theather 2 //
2 Do 2 //
3 Do 3 //
4th Edmonds in full to 31st March 102 //
“ Cregie on acct 250 //
6 Lent D & Moberly 175 //
“ Theatre Charles & self 2 //
“ Allison fr fencing my Lot on
Similkameen 30 //
“ Lent Moberly 35 //
8th [Illegible] self $1- work at Court
House 7 //
13th H.B.C. Blankets for Jail 36 //
“ Dr Bradshaw Feby requisition 20 //
18 Canoe 50
“ James for Salmons 5
“ Cregie for sundry loaves 38 62
19 Do on acct 150 //
20 Lent Dewdney 200 //
21 Church - 50
22 Subscription fr Jas King 5 //
“ Brunskill in full fr work at
Court House 37 50
“ Do - on Ninds acct 25 //
23 Clarkson expenses of property
George Indian 3 //
24 Dewdney 120 //
25 Brunskill on acct - 40 //
Date Received Paid
3rd Canoe fr Harrison River to 5 50
5th Canoe fr 21 Mile Ranch to Hope
For Satcher And Rattray 2 //
7 Charles on Franks acct 74 //
“ To Indian fr damage to Canoe
by Chinaman 20 //
8 Skyhuc (Indian) for skins 33 25
10 Charles 3 doz eggs @ 80 cts 2 40
14 Merritt for apples 2 //
16 Vedder horse for Grant 100 //
17 Pd for Curtain 1 25
18 Indian fr Similkameen for Begbie 6 -
18 Pd for clearing L1-B3 for Begbie 25 -
20th Glennie for Horse on Grants acct 130 -
19 Lent Charles 1 -
26 Anderson Stationary fr Ball 13 50
27 Whitford fr working in garden 2 00
30th Grant for Moberly 35 87
“ Do for self £7//3//6
Date Received Paid
1st To Palmer fr Lee alley 24 50
2 Church 25
3 Rattray on Goods acct 18 //
4 Indians fr Bear $10 & 2 Marten
skins $4 14 00
5 Brunskill on Ninds acct 48 -
“ Do - for self Gardening 20
“ Do on Government acct 2 50
“ 6th Mashell on acct 10 00
“ 7th Pd Grant to Gosset in dust 500 -
“ “ Per Begbie to Hamly duty on
Cattle 63 -
“ “ Do Taxes on Westminster lots 133 //
8 Batiest on Begbies acct 10 -
9 Palmer on Grants order 350 //
12 Moberly in full - Dewdneys
private acct included 194 //
14 To Burnaby per Commeline 100 -
“ Ker - Do cash lent 100 -
“ George Watson Kanacker for
Clearing L-8 B 11- 12 //
“ Michael Carnok for clearing
2 lots fr Begbie 25 //
15 Pd Edney subscription for widening
road fr Bushby $20 //
“ Do Begbie 10 //
“ Do Self 10 //
“ Rattray 2 day on Chilwahook trail 5 //
19 Cregie in full to 31st May
Salary &c &c 210 60
20 Satcher for Trip in B Bar trail 3 //
21 White & Manson part of 1st
enstalment fr church 100 //
“ Lent Elliott - per Anderson 200 //
“ [Mayhere] B. B. exploration 2 //
25 Batieste on Begbies acct 4 //
24 Michaud in Goods acct 25 00
27 H. B. C. on Begbies acct 23 90
28 Cregie 5
Date Received Paid
“ 1st Lent Whitford 60 00
“ “ Yates Interpreter 5
“ “ Sick Chinaman 4 //
“ 4 Lent Dewdney on Begbies acct 50 //
“ 6 Moberly on Grants acct £4
“ “ Canoe to Lake fr the Bishop 1 //
“ 7 Church 1 //
“ 8 Indians (Chilwahook) Big Jim 4 //
“ Do Cornish Bar 4 //
George Kanacker special
Constable 5
“ Kelly special Constable 10 //
10th Indian for two Bear skins 6 //
“ 11 Indian Canoe to 21 Mile Ranch 4 //
“ “ McDonell special Constable
on acct 10 //
“ “ Canoe for Const Coffee & Party 12 //
“ 12th Manson & White on acct of
Charles 100 //
“ “ Indian letter to Yale 3 //
“ “ “ Two Martin skins 4 //
13 Indian Canoe to 3 Mile ranch 2 //
14 Church 50
16 Mashell 20 //
18 Charles on Franks acct 28 //
19 Palmer on Grants acct for
Dewdney 200 //
“ Pd Cregie in full salary before acct
& after deducting price of trees
& $20 Whitford 58 66
21 Lent Dewdney since paid 5 //
24 Dewdney on Grants acct per Palmers
order 200 //
25 Do per Grants order 1100 //
“ Edney for Cheese 3 lbs 1 50
Allison 200 //
Date Received Paid
1st Pd Michaud on Goods acct 25 //
“ Const Edmonds 125 //
“ La Rue in His Excellency’s acct 12 //
2 Fare to Yale per Hope Steamer 2 //
“ Paid Sanders in full £9 45 //
3 Philips on the Bishops acct 100 //
“ Gompertz on Treasury order 200 //
5 Charles which he pd on acct from
McDonnell 20
“ Do Grant, on acct 271 42
“ Cregie on acct $60 - 60 //
5 Lent Crow for 3 months 300 //
23 Peterson V. Coe - pd Jeffrey
for Plaintiff 100
23rd White & Manson on acct of church
per Pringle 122
27th George Watson on Ninds acct 5
16 Grant, at Camp for Dunn 100
17 Palmer on J. Gs acct 476 59
18 Ebenezer Knutsun on account
Executor [Wall]) 5 //
17 Helmering Express charges on
£300 7 50
19 Wm Peon fr Grant price of 3.
horses 350 00
“ Dunn (Butcher) fr Grant 780 00
“ D whie87- Ryan $123 for
Grant 210 00
20 R. Burton for Grant 73 50
“ Indian for Packing grub to
Pic nic 1 00
“ H. B. C. in full to 28th May 137 24
“ J. Thomas in acct or purchase of
Lots 150 //
X 23 Assessments to Silver Lead Nind &
self per Dundas 60 //
27 Uren in full Quaquealla bridge 56 00
“ Anderson (fr Larger beer) 8 50
Date Received Paid
Sept 2nd Apples Hume 2 //
3 Const Edmonds on acct 250 //
“ Mashell 10 //
7 Philips on the Bishops acct 25 //
“ George on Ninds acct 5 //
9th Const Edmonds in full to 31st
Augst 46 //
10 White Carpenter on Begbies acct 6 50
“ Do table for Post Office 5 75
13 To Grant for Mexican 25
14 To Carter (Blacksmith) in full 16 //
“ Lent Brew per Conley R. E. the cost
of execution in the case of Homer v.
Dewdney 12 50
16 To Grant £205 1025 -
“ Lent Cox per Waynton 87 16 -
“ Charles fr. Marshalls coat 5 //
19 Carter (Blacksmith) on J. Gs acct
7 50
22nd Church 25
26 Lent Sergt Lindsay 100 -
“ Paid Sergt Lindsay on Grants acct
20 //
27 Paid Dunn on Grants acct 1182 50
28 Philips on the Bishops acct 30 00
Express letter fr H. E. to Grant Paid
3 50
27 Paid Allison on acct of Trails 200 //
“ Young for pair of Gloves 2 //
28 Michaud on Grants acct 50 00
Date Received Paid
X 4 Silver Lead assessments for Nind
& self per order on Good $60 -
5th Brunskill in full on Ninds acct 30 //
“ Do Special Constable in Dr Fifers
com 9 //
X 6th G. Watson on Ninds acct 5 //
“ Wm Peon for Col. Moody 150 //
12 Peterson per Jeffreys express in
Full for Execution v. Coe 100 -
5th Brunskill for fencing of Church
Lots 100 -
14th Sergt Lindsay price of Hay fr J. G.
40 -
16 Edney fr Widning Wallace St 6 25
17 Dunn fr Capt Grant £70- 350 -
“ Craigie on acct 48 25
19th Satohi & Skighan (Indian) $21-
each 42 -
X 19th Sent to Cox per Lord 105 75
George oer Craigie on ninds acct 6 00
19 Craigie on acct 150 -
22 Allison bal in full for Princeton &
Okanagan 75 //
“ Do in full from Princeton to Prarie
100 //
23 Do In advance on acct of Princeton
& Kamloops trail 100 00
26 Do - Do per L McDole 100 00
28 Philips on Bishops acct 130 00
“ Michaud on Goods acct 150 00
23 Capt John [Sinclair] for horse hire
5 00
31st Industrial Exhibition per Dr Oliver
10 00
Date Received Paid
Nov 1st Church (Consecration 10 00
“ Do Sanders 5 //
2 George on Ninds acct 5 00
2 Cox - sent for him to N York 10 -
3 Church - 1 25
8 Cox - per Constable Collins 50 -
“ Craigie - County Court fees to date
50 00
9 Ducks 0 75
“ Bear Skin 3
“ Cox - Expense of order on Wells
Fargo 3 50
“ To Charles for Buffalo robe H B C
10 00
Cox per Const Collins — 30
“ Church 50
11 Craigie on acct 44 50
“ Mathew on Begbies acct 100 00
Walker - fees, in re, Peterson v Coe
40 00
“ Do for Holdbrook $90- Hooper
$3-25- 12 25
12 McQueston for Grant 119 53
12 Craigie on acct 200 00
14 George on ninds acct 10 00
15 Satcher for Ninds Potatoe digging 6
Labist for Nind Do 6
“ 4 Indians for Do 6 00
17 Church
“ Thomas in full for Lots 850 00
18 Philips on the Bishops acct 200 00
19 Pringle Church offertories 139 60½
22nd Carigie on acct (see diary) 280 63
23 Reece fr Craigie deposit in C. C.
70 00
26 Canoe hire to Westminster (my
share) 10 00
27th Luard for 2 Suburban Lots 200 00
29 Harris (butcher) in full per Hooper
10 00
“ Tribute 3 00
Date Received Paid
2 Fare & meals on board the Hope $ 16 00
3 D. McKay & Jas Welsh $57- each 114 00
6 Craigie on acct 60 00
8 Church 25
9 Brackenridge R E 25 00
“ Landvoigt repair of boots in
Victoria & $1 - borrowed 3 50
X 10 George on Ninds acct 5 00
11th Philips on the Bishops acct 10 00
“ 14 Do Do 448 00
“ 13 Paid Anderson freight on hay 12 00
“ 15 Church 25
16 Charles for Capt Darrah R. E. 113 71
“ Helmering - fr British Columbian 5 00
17 Jno Blair for Dougal Cameron sea
men 700 00
“ Turnbull R E 25 00
22 Lent Dewdney 5 -
“ Str Hope for Silver lead Co 8 -
“ Do for case of Brandy fr Bushby 2 00
23 Paid Brakenridge R. E. 15 //
24 Paid Ripper & Co on acct of Silver
lead 10 00
“ “ 5 Indians Kamloops expedition
Eddy for repair of my press 0 50
“ Do for repair of House & Veranda
Ellis 24 //
25 Church 50
26 George Kanakar 1 00
30 29 Do — 15 00
Back to Peter O’Reilly’s 1861 Diary
Peter O’Reilly’s 1861 diary has been transcribed by volunteers and staff of the Vancouver Island Local History Society and is for informational purposes only. Researchers interested in this diary are advised to consult the original document housed at the Royal British Columbia Museum & Archives, found in MS-2894, the O’Reilly family fonds.