Distance fr. New York to Aspin
wall - 1980 miles -
To Panama 46
Fr Panama to Sanfrancisco 3260
Total 5286 miles
From New York to
CASH ACCOUNT - JANUARY £ s. d. Mr M. J. Matheson No 6 Natoma Street Sanfrancisco Pacific Mail Steering Ship Company Mr Cooper Chief Clerk [Fecarry] CASH ACCOUNT - FEBRUARY £ s. d. [no entry] CASH ACCOUNT - MARCH £ s. d. [no entry] CASH ACCOUNT - APRIL £ s. d.April 27th - Robertson fish$10 - Costs $3 13 “ 28th Power of Attorney 1 “ “ Information Search 2 [illegible words]April 27th Costs $3 “ 28th - 1 “ 29th - 6 May 5th - 12 CASH ACCOUNT - MAY £ s. d. May 2nd [illegible] $1 - May 4th To Gaggin and Connell $70 0 “ 6 5th To Murry fr Timber for boat $10- “ “ To Sparrow 9- “ “ To Const Lipsitt 47 50 “ “ To Bedford 23 days pay fr Wilson 69 - 6th To Wilson in full 13 days 39 - “ “ To Wilson for self “ 50 May 2nd Freight per Gov Douglas 4 - May 1st To Mrs Lewis for Bed &c 20 - “ 9th To Fr Hertman on acct 10 - “ 13th To Fell as per rect 19 - “ 14th To Mrs McKenna fr washing 3 - “ 16th To Mrs Lewis 22 day meals In full 33 “ 9th Boards for Boat, nails & freight per E. Anderson 11 20 “ 15 Collection at Church 5 - “ 13 Brandy per Lipsitt 4 - “ 15 To Frank for Grub &c 5 “ 19th To Lipsitt to pay for Indians to search for Joe Hall deserter fr Plumper 2 “ 21st To Lipsitt - 42 50 “ - Boat fr Mail 1 50 Do - 1 - Tins fr Prison 2 - “ 26th To Lipsitt for salmon 4 20 To Murry for Boat 4 - To Murry - £7-1//6 28th To Murry fr drink $2 - Dr Wood for Clothe 3 20 24 Express to Queenborough & [illegible] 4 - 30 seed Potatoes 1 - To Price fr making sail of clothes 7 - 31st To Dr Mitchell 15 - “ To Murry for Boat 20 “ To Sergt McMurphy for men 16 70 “ To Corporal House for cloth fr boat 4 - CASH ACCOUNT - JUNE £ s. d. June 4th To Hortman in full Jail and house account $31 45 “ “ Paid Const Lipsitt in full 93 - “ “ Paid Const Higman in full 35 - “ 7th Paid Sapper Richards for for making pigeon holes & 7 50 Paid Mrs McKenna washing 2 50 “ Paid Lewis for Cranberries 1 “ Paid for axe & lock 13 “ 8th Paid Murry for making boat 37 15 Paid Bedford on acct of horses 100
CASH ACCOUNT - JULY £ s. d. [no entry] CASH ACCOUNT - AUGUST £ s. d. $48 – in purse when I started September Septr 14th - To Ogilvy fr Begbie $300 30 “ 16 To Fra $20 - 17th Cloth for leggins 1 – Oct 21st To Frank 5 0 CASH ACCOUNT – SEPTEMBER £ s. d. 17th Paid fr lush $1 50 19th To Bushby 100 - - 20th To Begbie in dust 100 20 Paid for lush 1 50 22 Paid Do 1 50 To Indian fr [illegible words]1 “ 21 Canoe on Gold Commission duty 2 - 22 To Bushby in dust 50 - - 24 To Chisholm for Burial 12 35 CASH ACCOUNT – OCTOBER £ s. d. 28 Oct Recd from Sergt Williams [illegible] $10 - inn – CASH ACCOUNT – NOVEMBER £ s. d. Nov 4th Holbrook $10 - 8 Newton in full 104 50 “ Moss - fish 9 50 8 To Crickmer for care of horse 8 50 Nov 10 to 15th Canoes fr N. W. Minster 14 50 Nov 21 To Ogilvy for mule 4 50 To Elliot for Grant 100 - - “ 27th Waddingham Board in full 18 75 28 “ To Frank on accnt 10 “ “ 30 Restaurant 1 50 Nov 21st Recd fr. mining claims $30 - “ “ “ 1 Registry 1 – CASH ACCOUNT – DECEMBER £ s. d. Decr 6 Paid Frank - salary for Septr Octr & Nov & all other sums due him $186 15 7 Paid Wm Nicholls for Quanty tea 60 - “ Paid Chisholm salary for Septr Octr & Nov & all other demands 8th Paid Smith for Saw for Sail 3 “ Do for looking Glass & carpet 6 50 14th Per Badcock to Saunders for My 5- acre lot at Yale 125 00 “ Per Do for Bushby 94 00 11 Robsons - Church 1 00 17th Pd Frank House acct in full fr 1st to 17th 27 35 18th Robsons Church 1 00 19 Tilly for newspapers - 75 24th Paid Popper per Sergt McCall 18 “ “ “ “ Johnston (on survey) 18 “ “ “ Ross ( Do - 18 “ “ “ “ To Frank House acct to this day 13 “ “ 27th To Landvoigt (Government) 27 75 18th Recd fr Bushby Per Elliot £19 4 “
Note: For formatting purposes on a web page, a fixed width font to allow spacing of dates, text, and currency along the columns in attempts to make the information easy to digest for the reader.
Back to Peter O’Reilly’s 1859 Diary
Peter O’Reilly’s 1859 diary has been transcribed by volunteers and staff of the Vancouver Island Local History Society and is for informational purposes only. Researchers interested in this diary are advised to consult the original document housed at the Royal British Columbia Museum & Archives, found in MS-2894, the O’Reilly family fonds.