D. Chesterfield to Kathleen, London

Add MSS4
Box 6 Files 4-10

s.w .

Dearest Kathleen

I loved to have yr kind letter dear & to hear of you. Thank you so much . I am all right & really the heat does not disagree with me . I am having some massage just now for knee leg [?] W11 I thought wd be a good thing – before going to Scotland. I expect to go on the 30th this is my best address always – as they always know where I am. What a blessing the strike is over. it has been a terrible state of affairs as to Liverpool. pandemonia too awful but of course almost the scum of the earth seem to live there. I am so glad you are with dear Lady Seymour to cheer her & help her. whilst the admiral is along & then children are always cheery. even if only allowed to see little of them still they are in the house & seem to brighten the very atmosphere. Oh that plague of wasps is awful every where at breakfast my Charlie used to be slaughtering them all the time ! sometimes I came down late & was alone so I had the windows shut & none appeared then. So glad you had news of those naughty brothers of yours!! you must have been glad Harry seems quite happy at Homburg & has a good many friends having various baths & sound better certainly – Yes the Black forest ones seem well & happy baths certainly doing lady good. The posters have “Hurrah the strike is over” they have an enormous meeting in the Park today – my Charlie cd not get here this morning no trains going at all but tomorrow I suppose [?] they will be going again

Ever so much fond love dear one. yr always affec1Y

D. Chesterfield

Love to LY Seymour


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This collection of letters has been digitized from an earlier transcription project and is for informational purposes only. This transcription has not been verified against the originals. Researchers interested in these letters should consult the original documents housed at the BC Archives.

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