D. Chesterfield to Kathleen, London, January 29

Add MSS4 1.2
Box 6 Files 4-10

JanY 29th

My dearest

I was so sorry not to ring [?] myself to-day to you. I am so glad you are better. I do hope you wont go out today in this bitter cold unless quite right – it is too vexing when I am sure you have lots to do & is Folkestone good for you. why dent they come up & see you? it wd be much better. I am sorry yr brother is not well either. do put off another week? it will be better for you both I am sure.

I have just been having a talk with Harry on the telephone he is back from his visit and seems alright. he asked if you were coming to dinner today. I got yr kind note saty night. Let me hear from you to-morrow morg

Darling ever
& loving

D. Chesterfield

Love to [?] Frank you musnt come out tomorrow night either

[written vertically]

if still seedy at all [?] as I shd be – we will see in the morg


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This collection of letters has been digitized from an earlier transcription project and is for informational purposes only. This transcription has not been verified against the originals. Researchers interested in these letters should consult the original documents housed at the BC Archives.

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