AE Or3 C42
26, Egerton Gardens
Sept. 22 1921
My darling Kathleen
How glad I was to have yr letter I cannot tell you it was a real joy only you dont speak of my friend & I do want to know how he is & what he is doing. I am always in the same rooms the same place & never can walk a step some times I am rather weary but God knows best & I have many mercies. Oh how I wish you were here & that I cd see yr lovely face again it wd do me good. yr commission(?] is to be done tomorrow & I hope all right but really things do change so now a days & I cant go into shops myself of course but dear if ever you do want anything do send to me . if I can I wd gladly do it for you. I am sure you have been very interested in all Irish news but has it not been dreadful & will they ever come to make peace terms possible it is too sad & they are impossible people to deal with . I am so afraid you have not seen ·Mr . Gough that he did not go yr way but I did not know exactly where he was going & if near to you, I hope his tour has done him good for he was very poorly before he left. he had his boy with him was a gt pleasure & I hear they have enjoyed it very much & are to be home next month, sailing either Sept . 3 0d or Oct 4th from Quebec & enjoyed it intensely I only hope he wont have bothers at home but all be peace & quiet One of the curates has married a Marquise des Rochers. was a nurse during the war, rather a nice little thing quite young too funny & she keeps her name . I wonder what Mr. Gough will say the husband Mr . Wardell simply adores her!! Poor May Potter is awfully ill I fear she may not recover wd be a dreadful loss for the family. Evelyn is so much better now & can manage to walk now with two sticks slowly &I hope he will recover from this Flebitis came from the effects of his terrible accident he had gone home again now but has to be very careful . Is there ever any hope of your corning to England again & Jack & his wife I do hope . & Baby John ! too dear little fellow he seems to be give his Mother my kind love & Jack too. I have not been able to get the little shoes yet. [?] is getting them he had lovely blue & pink ones. The price of them is 14/ I will keep the 6/ till you tell me you want another pair & would you like best the blue ones they are all lovely colors. the Pink ones rather dark & bright but for a boy I suppose blue is best. I will make up the difference so please dont any shillings. Harry keeps pretty well I hear but wont come up here it is sad. Lord c. is very well & golfing a gt deal at St. Andrews , North Berwick. Kathleen dearest I cannot write a great deal so must stop. Adele Stanhope has been so poorly but is better now & goes Harrogate 1″r. October I do hope will cure her I am sorry about Miss Gilbert can I find out anything about her
With ever devout love
D. Chesterfield Dieu te garde
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This collection of letters has been digitized from an earlier transcription project and is for informational purposes only. This transcription has not been verified against the originals. Researchers interested in these letters should consult the original documents housed at the BC Archives.