H. Stanhope (Chesterfield) to John Windham O’Reilly, Bournemouth, February 4, 1935

AE Or3 C421

John W. O’Reilly
Point Ellice
Victoria British Columbia

Sheridan House
4 FebY 1935

My dear Jack or Johnny

I dont which you are called for short, I believe its the first, & that’s the same as your father. It was the same with me and my father. We were both christened Henry, but he stuck to Henry, & I was always called Harry. Many thanks for your letter, and I hope the £5 came in useful. From what I’m told, you are a very tall boy for your age. Luckily for me I was short, for when I first went to sea in the Navy, and for some years afterwards, it was in wooden ships which were very low between decks. I hope you like your school. I was always rather good at arithmetic and mathematics, which are very much wanted at sea. I think I finished with Latin at 12, & was rather glad of it, as I never could make the adjective agree with the noun, or forgot to. I’m afraid we are having very dull, dismal sort of weather, however it’s our English climate, and to be expected. All good wishes from your affecat.a godfather



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This collection of letters has been digitized from an earlier transcription project and is for informational purposes only. This transcription has not been verified against the originals. Researchers interested in these letters should consult the original documents housed at the BC Archives.

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