Add MSS 412 Box 6 File 2
4. Cranley Place
Sept. 12th
My dear Mrs. O’Reilly
I arrived in London three days ago, and was welcomed by my mother & two brothers who had upset their plans on my account which was very good of them as I only wanted to stay a few days in town to visit, tailor [?] & then go north myself, I made them start on their respective visits the following day; remaining here in solitary state except for a soldier brother and his wife who are staying in Ennismore Gardens nearby. I wish to tell you that I decided not to speak on the subject nearest my heart to any of my people until I had an answer from Mr. O’Reilly. Letters from B.C. seem to tax a long time coming. Yours to Mr. Atkinson of Brook Str. only arrived the morning of the day I went to him though it left Victoria the same day I did. I ordered clothes for your son & left your ring to be mended – it took some time. Mr. A. is a most garrulous individual to escape from, & he would keep on showing me a lot of rough diamonds &c. I am sending out a parcel next week to Mr. Williamson and shall enclose in it some ties and a pin for Jack which he wanted also a hairpin for your girl which I had permission to send her before I left & I now ask yours. It is an old thing I have had in my possession a long time & belonged to a grand aunt, but I have had it altered & you will not be able to accuse me of extravagance. I shall also take the liberty to enclose your ring, as I do not think it ought to pay duty, but (as I have a conscience) I do not like to do the same with the clothes, nor would I like it either, I am sure. I have not quite settled on my naval plans, but shall know more in a couple of days. I have had an offer which I do not think I shall accept – it has to do with the Land – and not the sea. I hope you and yours are well. My thoughts are always back in Victoria. What I have on my mind is a letter, which looking back must have been rather a selfish one, I wrote to you from Vancouver, the day after I left Victoria; did you not think so? Please allow me to send my love to all at Point Ellice &
Believe me
Ever yours sincerely
Harry Stanhope
Naval & Military Club
is the best address
Back to 1892 Correspondence
This collection of letters has been digitized from an earlier transcription project and is for informational purposes only. This transcription has not been verified against the originals. Researchers interested in these letters should consult the original documents housed at the BC Archives.