AE Or3 C421
Branksome Clinic House
Branksome Park
28 Oct. 1919
Dearest Kitty girl
I hope this will reach you to wish you a good voyage & journey to B.C. I’m sure you will love to see all the old places & people again & to rejoin your brother Frank. I only wish his family
[this section of letter also with letter of July 27, 1912?]
or rather domestic affairs could be happier. I suppose she will be finding her way out in time . I have a letter from the old mother today to say how much she will miss you, & I’m sure I cannot be too grateful for all the help you have been to her. You must come back & look after her again. I hear from my young friend at Heinemann that Miss Gilbert’s book is not there. perhaps she has not been able to get it type written yet. Its horrid .cold is’nt it, with that [?]gale yesterday but it may mean a fine passage for you & I hope so. Give all my
best wishes to old Jack & Mary. Edith de W. [?] me she hears from Tattie that Jack ought to have an operation & may have it done on arrival at B.C. I’m so sorry about it & hope he will be alright. Much love dearest Kitty & all the very best wishes & may God watch over you & all of us.
Yours affecately
Back to 1916-35 Correspondence
This collection of letters has been digitized from an earlier transcription project and is for informational purposes only. This transcription has not been verified against the originals. Researchers interested in these letters should consult the original documents housed at the BC Archives.