H.Stanhope to Kathleen, December 8, [1896]

Add MSS 412, Box 6 File 3

8 Dec.

Dear Miss O’Reilly

Thank you so much for your letter today. I report to say I have not received so far the one your wrote to the Mediterranean but it may turn up in time. I never was well after I got back to Malta, and eventually had to give up. It was a return of the old complaint, insomnia &c. (only perhaps you did not know I had an “old complaint”). I am just finishing 6 weeks repose or attempts at it and going to see the Admty Doctors in London on Monday, who I hope will pass me as fit, as I must hurry off to sea again if I am ever to be promoted at all. I had full intended to recommission & I miss the little ship so much, but I came home with all the old lot. My people are all well, many thanks and I hope your father has got over the accident to his leg. Kind regards to all at Point Ellice. I will write & let you know what happens to me at the end of the year. It is so kind of you to take such interest in my goings on. Now I think of it, I wish you all a Merry Xmas. Ever your sincerely

Harry Stanhope

P.S. I am staying with the only married brother. I dont know if you met him or his wife.


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This collection of letters has been digitized from an earlier transcription project and is for informational purposes only. This transcription has not been verified against the originals. Researchers interested in these letters should consult the original documents housed at the BC Archives.

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