H. Stanhope to Kathleen, Edinburgh, October 3, [1900]

Add MSS 412
Box 6 Files 4-10

3rd October

Dear Miss O’Reilly

Thank you for your letter forwarded here. After much moving about for shooting, I am settled in Edin burgh till the 9th, the polling day for Midlothian. I am doing what I can to help my cousin in the way of company whilst the election is going on. I think you met her in Egerton Gardens. Mrs. Murray, wife of the Master of Elibank, the Radical candidate. He of course is all over the country at meetings, but she & I mostly turn up at the big ones. There is always the nuisance of getting some miles back to Edinburgh at night & generally wet. I hope we shall get him in alright. After this we shall try and get some rest somewhere. I find Egerton Gardens will be full stop & no room for me till November, so I shall do some more shooting up North. I have’nt decided on anything with regard to the future. I knew Mrs. Master was in England, but have’nt had a chance of seeing her. Please remember me to your father. With kindest regards. ever your sincerely

Harry Stanhope


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This collection of letters has been digitized from an earlier transcription project and is for informational purposes only. This transcription has not been verified against the originals. Researchers interested in these letters should consult the original documents housed at the BC Archives.

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