H. Stanhope to Kathleen, Hereford, January 9

Add MSS412
Box 6 Files 4-10

9th Janry

My dear Miss O’Reilly

It is so kind of you to remember me with another calendar, the third I think you have sent me, & I use them daily in the admiralty. Many thanks too for your letter. I received it a few days before I was coming here and said to myself that I would answer it when I was in our old home. I dont know why I should have waited it was an idea, that’s all – rather unaccountable, something like the idea, I think, in the first part of your letter, which says something about whether it bores me to hear from you. I think, Miss O’Reilly, if you were here I should call you names, perhaps they would’nt look well on paper, but perhaps I’d also better say straight out that no matter how numerous, your letters would never bore me, & I shall always be only too glad to get them. I am rather sad to think that because I’m so bad at letterĀ­ writing, it made you think I had forgotten you. Please dont let that be another idea of yours. We have been shooting for the last 2 days, & balls to which I did not go, but I was’nt the only one who stayed behind by a long way. The people are so kind, who have our house and I do so like a few days down here, &_ see the old people & the old haunts. I’m afraid this is rather a disjointed letter, but I am writing for the post, & am returning to town tomorrow its like going back to school, I dont like it. As to our complications with Germany & the United States, they are too sad to write about. Will you please wish yourself, & your people a Happy New Year, though rather late in the day. & let us hope Old England will go well through it. I was so sorry to hear of Miss Maud Dunsmuir being so ill. There is a young chap, a Mr . Dunne, staying here, who also told me of it. He remembered me at Victoria, but I did’nt recollect him a bit. I daresay you have met him. He seems a very nice young fellow & says he will be going out again to B.C. My people are all well thanks, & I hope yours are the same
Wishing you every happiness. Ever

sincerely yours

Harry Stanhope

P.S. I was forgetting about the names I was to call you for your saying I had forgotten you and that it bored me to hear from you. I dont think I feel so furious now, and I shall only call you a “naughty girl” for thinking such things and dont do it again.

I have ‘nt forgotten that the “naughty girl” was a very pretty one, and was always very nice to me. so I hope she wont be angry at my calling her such awful names!



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This collection of letters has been digitized from an earlier transcription project and is for informational purposes only. This transcription has not been verified against the originals. Researchers interested in these letters should consult the original documents housed at the BC Archives.

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