Add MSS 412
Box 6 Files 4-10
[envelope – postmarked: Portsmouth 23 Feb. 1900]
Miss O’Reilly
Hotel Windsor
Victoria Street
H.M.S. “Beagle”
Dear Miss O’Reilly
Thanks for yours. I shall not be in town early enough Monday to accept your kind invitation to lunch according to my present plans I should not be in town till latish in the day. As I am still a little uncertain about things I will keep you informed by wire when I can come & see you – that is if you dont mind putting off your departure till the 1p.m. train Tuesday. It is not me, it is the ship & H.M.Service that is to blame. So please excuse me for not being more definite in my plans.
I did mention to Capt Kingsmill where you were & he said he had heard from your brother & seemed to know your address. I had met him the day before and we had been talking about you all. I hope you found my mother was leaving town – she must have a change, but she is so difficult to move.
Yours ever sincerely
Harry Stanhope
Back to 1900 Correspondence
This collection of letters has been digitized from an earlier transcription project and is for informational purposes only. This transcription has not been verified against the originals. Researchers interested in these letters should consult the original documents housed at the BC Archives.