H. Stanhope to Kathleen, January 21, [1897]

Add MSS 412
Box 6 File 3

H.M.S. “Melita”
21 Janry

Dear Miss O’Reilly

I received your letter at Malta shortly after arrival, and about New Year’s Day such a pretty calendar arrival. Many thanks for it. It has been hung in the place of Last Year’s. I could’nt write letters at Malta, I used to dash off notes, so I said I wouldnt answer yours till I got away from the place. I lived there in ·a state of worry to get the ship ready again, and had plenty bothers, and glad to get away. I made the acquaintance of Mrs. Stanley: she is a most delightful little woman. Mrs. Bramsden I was also glad to see again. I’m afraid Mr. Pooley cant be very happy at present over his Klondike companies.

My mother told me you had sent her some views of B.C. and also a New Year Calendar. She further stated that you were “such a nice girl”· she has said before. I suppose she thinks I must have formed different opinion of you which wants correction [?] her saying the same think so often.

All the same I’m not the least tired of this particular repetition of hers, and have’nt tried to stop her. She can go on. We left Malta on the 17th and arrived at Suda Bay Crete on the 20th where I had to leave some men and mails for our ship. Then I was sent on to C[?] where I found the “Hood” & gave here her things,& mails for the Welsh Fusiliers whose tents I could see up the hill outside the town. Then I got orders by telegram to go to Alexandria where the “Hawke” is for the purpose of exchanging one of my Lieuts for one of hers. I am on the way there now.

After that I go round to Port Said, through the Canal to Suez where I am to relieve the “Scout”, & take charge of the Red Sea till they send another ship to relieve me perhaps in 4 months time. Many thanks for your Victoria news. I’m glad you’ve made the acquaintance of Mrs.Master, Fanny de Winton that was, but generally called Tattie. I daresay she may find it a bit lonely at Duncan’s sometimes.

I remember Duncan’s well was it not the fishing centre for Cowichan River and Cowichan Lake? That reminds me, as we went on expedition together to the latter, that I aw a good deal of Mr. Chapple at Malta he is Secretary to Sir John Hopkins and is now married with a family of two.

She seems a very good sort. I was glad to hear of Miss Cornwall (that was). I think she was also one of those who would be described by my mother as “such a nice girl”· I did’nt know you had so many nicknames. I wish you would tell me some of them. I should like to know “Sistar [?]” & “Pussy” are all I have heard. I dont really look forward to the Red Sea life at all. I have been accustomed the last year to meet so many people on shore I expect to find it a bit lonely, with nothing but rock & sand & niggers to greet one on landing.

23rd January.

I have arrived at Alexandria, and found I was’nt expected so soon. The other Lieutenant was’nt ready, so I am staying for a day or so.

I landed yesterday evening, and saw a very bad performance of “Charley’s Aunt” by a company I had already seen in “David Garrick” at Malta. The weather is lovely. I have a cousin Guy Sclater [?] by name on board the “Hawke”; they seem to enjoy being here as they get an occasional run up to Cairo, which I hope to do myself shortly from Suez and consult with Lord [?] on the state of affairs in the Red Sea before I take a cruise down. Now Miss Kitty (is that a nickname?) I must send this to the post. With kind remembrances to all you people

Ever yrs sincerely Harry Stanhope


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This collection of letters has been digitized from an earlier transcription project and is for informational purposes only. This transcription has not been verified against the originals. Researchers interested in these letters should consult the original documents housed at the BC Archives.

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