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Box 6 Files 4-10
Dear Miss O’Reilly
How very kind of you to remember my birthday. Many thanks for the Battle of Corinto by an enterprising tobacconist. I am sorry to hear the Royal Arthur’s suffered so much from the climate. The new Captain has I think started, I dont know him, but I think I’ve seen him in the [?], a little man. You seem to have had a lot going on during the Queen’s birthday time . We were given a holiday in the Admiralty. I took a Lady out bicycling at 8.a.m. & went to see the trooping of the Colours after breakfast. After that I had a lovely day on the river. I have met Mr. & Mrs.Barnard. Captain Lambton had a little dinner party consisting of Mrs. Croft Miss Maud, Barnards, Admiral Hotham & myself. It was so like old times I could’nt help asking Mrs. Barnard if she had come in the Admiral’s barge or the Captain’s galley. We are arranging for a day on the river next Sunday, & take the Musgraves, Snowdens, in fact all the British Columbians we can find in London. It is what they call Ascot Sunday after the Ascot race week, and all the celebrities are to be seen near Maidenhead. Admiral Hotham is now Sir Charles, having got his K.C.B. on H.M. Birthday. he is very pleased and assured me it was quite unexpected. I ,met him the other night at such a gathering of ancient mariners, given by the Duke of Coburg, the Duke of Edinburgh that was. He is very good at keeping up his acquaintance with his old profession, and gave a big reception to the Royal Navy at Clarence House. I had no idea his daughters had grown up such nice-looking girls. I had’nt seen them since they were children at Malta.
I hope your brother was ‘nt too hard on Mr .Atkinson. Poor old chap, he could’nt get the things ready in time before your uncle had stated, and came panting down to the Admiralty to see if I could help him. he meant very well, and I’m not sure that I did’nt once tell him that if he had anything to go out, to let me know & I would tell him if I knew of any Naval person going. I dont know how your brother found it out. and I did’nt mind the least it gave me not bother.
I’m glad you like “Thoughts & Words” the last volume I think a very good one. The author tells me there will be no more. I had a present of books on my birthday. Some very interesting ones. I’m afraid I dont see my way out to the Pacific this year. I always tell the Dunsmuirs I’m going back & that there’s no country like B.C., and they say I’m chaffing. I hope all your people are well. my kind regards to them ever yrs very sincerely
Harry Stanhope
P.S. Thank you so much for the lilies. there is quite a pretty garden at Datchet.
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This collection of letters has been digitized from an earlier transcription project and is for informational purposes only. This transcription has not been verified against the originals. Researchers interested in these letters should consult the original documents housed at the BC Archives.