Add MSS 412 Box 6 File 3
16 Decr
Dear Miss O’Reilly
The letter you wrote to the Mediterranean turned up yesterday. Many thanks for it, and also for the two mounted Kodaks which arrived at the same time. Since I wrote the other day, I have been living a quiet country life, and came up to town because I had to interview the Admty Drs on Monday last – they put me back again for 3 weeks; I suppose now I shall remain in town to Xmas with my people. I dislike town very much and there’s always such a coming and going & door bells ringing in the house and outside nothing but huge advertisements about Xmas presents. I must try, and am trying to get away to Sea again as soon as I can.
I told my mother she had’nt answered the last letter she had from “the O’Reilly girl”; I dont know if it will have any effect. I’m afraid this will reach you after Xmas day but I wish you & all yours a Merry one & hope we shall meet again some time in 1899.
Ever sincerely yours
Harry Stanhope
Back to 1898 Correspondence
This collection of letters has been digitized from an earlier transcription project and is for informational purposes only. This transcription has not been verified against the originals. Researchers interested in these letters should consult the original documents housed at the BC Archives.