H. Stanhope to Kathleen, London, March 11, [1899]

Add MSS 412, Box 6 File 4-10


Dear Miss O’Reilly

Many thanks for your letter of 15th Febry. I see you still require instructions on a few points in our strange naval customs. I suppose the [?] office at Esquimalt informed you that it was necessary that a Commander required two years sea time to qualify him for promotion. But that must be looked on as the minimum, and their Lordships prefer 3 years to 2. But I am not worrying myself as it is no use, nor am I countinuing to worry their Lordships as I had a hint that I had already done so enough when my health was not sufficiently re-established to suit them. The “Warspite” commissions on the 28th. G[?] Williams who married Miss Ward is the Commander. I paid Admiral Beaumont a visit. Mrs. Is very nice, & I think they should be liked on shore. He is a man who likes to be hard at work all the 24 hours, so after his time at the Intelligence Department, I expect he will find the amount of Naval work deadly small, and want to worry them all round. The flag Captain Walker is married, I dont know anything of his wife, I think I met her once for a few minutes. Our house is in the hands of the paper-hangers for some weeks. I am going up to Scotland on a golfing tour with some cousins. I should have like to see you in fancy dress. I am inclined to think you stayed at the ball late rather willingly, as I expect you were looking very pretty “poudrée”. I am playing hockey this afternoon – has it become fashionable in Victoria? People, especially ladies, seem crazy about it. It will be warm weather soon in B.C. I suppose the pretty white frocks will be brought out. I always remember some rather fascinating ones of yours.

Kind regards to all your people from

your ever sincerely

Harry Stanhope


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This collection of letters has been digitized from an earlier transcription project and is for informational purposes only. This transcription has not been verified against the originals. Researchers interested in these letters should consult the original documents housed at the BC Archives.

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