H. Stanhope to Kathleen, London, October 29, [1907]

Add MSS 412
Box 6 File 4-10

29th October

Dear Miss O’Reilly

Your letter was forwarded to me the other day in Scotland. I had, just before, been paying a visit to the Earles & I asked after Master Laurence. As far as I remember he never seems to have gone to Vancouver Island at all, but went straight on to some place on the C.P.R .from which he went to climb mountains & was driven back eventually by snowstorms. He did’nt stay at Banff, he said it seemed too civilised so perhaps he thought the same of Victoria. I am dining out tonight & believe I shall meet his sister, I will tell her how he has misbehaved himself.

When I was abroad I went to Wildbad for a week as an after cure after Wiesbaden quite a small place, I dont believe it alters at all, & we had some good walks through the woods & some drives. there were two ladies there I knew.  I gave up German, I found myself using Arabic chiefly, they dont seem to understand their own tongue.

I am so glad that Jack is so well again after his operation but what hard luck losing all your camp outfit. I wonder how the five started, did you leave some broken bottles knocking about? I have just returned from Scotland.

work has begun again at the Home Counties. I saw my mother up North. She was very well I think electric treatment dieting, & three weeks at Buxton have done good as I notice she gets about now more easily. The weather in Scotland was rather trying to the temper. I got a few salmon in the “Ness”, but did little grouse shooting, as my knee is not in good enough condition yet, though I think it is really getting right again.

I dont like the London pavements at all, they dont do it any good. Please remember me to Jack, I will give your message to my mother.

Yours very sincerely

Harry Stanhope

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This collection of letters has been digitized from an earlier transcription project and is for informational purposes only. This transcription has not been verified against the originals. Researchers interested in these letters should consult the original documents housed at the BC Archives.

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