AE Or3 C421
Branksome Clinic House
Branksome Park
2 July
Dear Mrs. Jack
I felt that I must play the part of God-father at the christening as much as possible allthough I could’nt attend. No doubt someone stood in my place & took on for me all responsibility for John Windham’s sins until he ‘s able to take all the consequences on himself. I dont mind so long as I dont take on those of the parents as well, that is the mother’s! as I know the father to be a man possessed of no redeeming vices. I learnt that all new-born infants have struck against mugs. I suppose they must have “gone dry” . And that they only care about silver bowls & spoons so that they can use the former later on as a small sugar basin. How wise & foreseeing they have become . So I have sent one out addressd to you & hope there wont be a heavy duty to pay. I had hoped to send it by Laurence Earle but found he had already left England.
There is a suitable inscription in it but I did’nt know the date of birth or christening & dont even know if one need be put on. If you think it ought perhaps you would have it done at Victoria . I hope things are going along better in B.C. Here we live in a state of uncertainty as to when the crash will come. I suppose when industries are unable to pay the high wages & have to close down. Then it will be general unemployment & general turmoil. Out of it we are told a better England will arise. Lord save me from it, the old one was good enough for me . Love to all and the same to yourself.
Yours very sincerely
Harry Stanhope
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This collection of letters has been digitized from an earlier transcription project and is for informational purposes only. This transcription has not been verified against the originals. Researchers interested in these letters should consult the original documents housed at the BC Archives.