A/E Or3 M973
[envelope postmarked: Cappoquin JY 5 92]
via New York
Miss O’Reilly
Point Ellice
British Columbia
July 5th [?]
My dear Pussy,
I returned home yesterday & found yr pretty present, it was so good of you sending it to me & just one of the things I wanted.
You seem to be very gay in Victoria this summer. I hear the naval ball was a great success.
The other evening we were dining with some people in town, Miss Lister was staying with them. How sweet she is! we had a long talk about Victoria. She wished to be remembered to you. I was so sorry to hear about Jack, but of course he has quite recovered I was sorry to leave London I enjoyed being there so much, it is rather difficult to settle down again. It is dreadfully quiet here. I hope some of you are thinking of coming over soon. We have been having horrid wet weather lately. Again thanking you very much dear for the sweet present & with love to you all
Yrs affectly
J. S. Musgrave
Back to 1892 CorrespondenceThis collection of letters has been digitized from an earlier transcription project and is for informational purposes only. This transcription has not been verified against the originals. Researchers interested in these letters should consult the original documents housed at the BC Archives.