1861-07-01 *
Up at 6- beautiful day. Held Court, also
my first County Court. New Caledonia
brigade arrived. McKay left with his train
of mules for Skadget pass. In office most
of the day. The Bishop arrived fr Yale &
pitched his Camp at the Quaquealla.
Spent a most lonely day & uncosy evening
did not stir out the whole evening
The Comit did [is] observable in
a western direction between the pointer
& the North star
Heavy rain during the night & wet
morning rode out twice to call on the
Bishop who was encamped on his land
at the Quaquealla, but did not fined him
at home. He, Garret Pringle & Philips
dined with me at 6- Walked out
with them to their camp. Showery
remained up till late
Fine morning – the Bishop Garret &
Philips breakfasted at 8- started with
the two former for Grants camp where
we arrived at 12- Went Lounched &
went out on the trail, fished & got
home at 8- dined & walked out with
the Bishop. Sapper Babbage slightly
better but not yet out of danger
Guns firing all night
No end of powder wasted The anniversary
of the independance kept, but very quietly
Grant arrived from the Camp. Horse
races at which Dewdney distinguished
himself – rode to the Bishops farm
with his lordship & Grant – to examine as
to the draining. The steamer Moody arrived
with a large importation of visitors, but
to my disappointment Elliot did not come, heard
of his appointment to Cayoosh Miss Elwyn, Mr & Mrs
Baker Mr & Mrs Wood, Mr & Mrs Fox, Mayne & Hebbern
[overwritten text]
Recd shirts socks
&c brought out
by Elliott
Up early Busy in office. Held Court
Grant went down in the Moody which
left at 3- P.M. Mayne took up his Quarters
Walked with Pringle Baker & Fox to
visit the Bishops on after returning was shocked
to hear fr Commeline that Dr Fifer of Yale had
been shot dead in his own shop – Great commotion
Engaged all the special Constables I could get & sent
them in all directions. Commeline & Edmonds left in
a canoe & ought to have arrested them. Dispatched Cregie
to Langly & hesitated. Big dinner & party to Chilwahook
Up at 4- The murderer not as yet
arrested, sent men down the river to search
the flat at Cornish Bar. Sent Commeline &
Edmonds down the river in canoe to search up the trail
Mack Hegar – gave himself up, & confessed to being
the man who accompanied the murder at Yale, but
denied all knowledge of the murder. Ned Bullen
most useful in hunting up volunteers & working himself
as indeed were all the inhabitants – a number
arrived from Yale for the same purpose
Fine morning up at 4 – received reports
from the men on watch & dispatched others
to replace them – Service at 11- 12 present
Communion 4 remained Collection $7-50the Bishop preached – After a great deal
of persuasion I raised about 35 men & left
went to Cornish bar & hunted the whole
place but without success – arranged for
the night watch. Hope at 7- Evening
service The Bishop preached, 9- attended
Up nearly all night. The watch men
returned but no news. Sent to the works in [illegible] Constable
Coffee with warrant for arrest of Robt
Neufield (Doctor) also requisition for the
Engineers to come in to assist in searching
for the murdered. Brunskill (a city special
Constable) “Drunk” – offered reward of $500Reward for the arrest of the murderer. Revd
Mr & Mrs Wood arrived from Yale & took
up their quarters with me.
1861-07-09 *
Roasting day – river falling
Up at 4- provided canoes & dispatched the
Engineers to the different places selected for them
to watch – the news of the murder. Kelly suspected
of trying to assist him. Ceremony of Laying the
foundation stone of the Church at 12, after
which His Lordship & Mrs Wood spoke at considerable
length, Pic Nick at the Quaquealla to which
I did not go – rode down the river with Sergt
Lindsey to see the men at watch. Met Cregie returning
having been to Westminster & Point Roberts – very tired
Very warm day sent off the men to relieve
the night watch no news of importance. Grants
Horse & mule both laid up. Rode to the Bluff Busy
in office [deletion]
Very warm day The Brigades left
for Colville & New Caledonia. Mr & Mrs
Baker for Rock Creek. In office nearly
all day. Rode out to pay the Bishop
a visit Palmer arrived from the road.
Steamer Moody arrived at 6- No mail
to my great joy heard of the arrest of the
murder[er] of Dr Fifer. A heap of officials
as usual. In office all day
Moberly recd £200- from Grants money
by Palmers order. Walked out to
see the Bishop & had a long chat
Hepburn Fox Mayne, Palmer & Woods
spent the evening sat up late
Up at 7- Constables Edmonds & Coffee
went to Yale in the Hope – in charge
of Mack Hegar, & the Indian Dick. Wrote
a number of letters. The Moody left
at 2 P.M. Fox & wife Woods Do Mayne
& Hepburn – Angus McDonald & Ogden
Palmer & self dined with Charles
Rode out to Quaquealla & fished for a couple
of hours, caught about 8 lbs weight. Gompertz Dewdney
Moberly & Pringle spent the evening & remained till late
Oppressively hot day Thermo – [left blank] in the shade
Bishop gave service at the Camp. Morning
service at 11- 10 present Collection $1-35 –
[So dusty] it was impossible to do any
thing – dined with Charles at the Fort
The Bishop had a long wa wa with the
Indians. Service at 7¼- only 5- attended
His Lordship & Philips remained for tea &
I walked home with them. Sat up
Late. Very uncosy day
Beautiful morning Up early – Held Court
at 10- In office till 1- P.M. rode out on
waggon road, & visited the Glennies & the
Bishop, spent a short time with Dewdney
Fishing. The Bishop & Pringle dined, walked
with the Bishop to see the Church, afterwards
saw him home & had long chat, home at 11
Read & sat up late. Most uncosey
lonely day.
Very fine day, rose at 6- in office. Mr
Hale the Presbeterian Minister called on me
& selected for his Church Lots 3 & 6- in B10-
Pringle running in & out all the day
without knowing what he wanted, and
disturbing every person. Dined early
went with Cregie to Ninds land, & made
some huge fires. Worked in the garden. Pringle
Charles & Gompertz spent the evening. Turned in
at 12-
Fine morning – oppressively hot during the
Day. Got the horse shod. Rode with
Moberly to inspect his seven miles of
waggon road – which I found in very good
order. Went on to the Engineers camp, having
dined at the Lake house. Sapper Babbage much
recovered. Band played till 9- when we started &
got home at 12½- horse very tender produced
by the shoeing. Beautiful night
Fine day Rose early. Dewdney called about one
of his horses which was sick, breakfasted with him
Allison arrived from Similkameen, Contracted
with him for the cutting of a mule trail from
Princeton to Okanagan for £100- ($600-) to be
completed in 10 days. Steamer expected but
did not arrive. Palmer & Dr Oliver arrived
from the trail – dined, & slept. Sapper Babbage
carried in to town a stretcher by a party of R.E.
Recd fr Frank for Mr Dunn $28- on acct of his
bill to H.B.C.
[overwritten text]
Horse dead
lame had his shoes
taken off & [ponticed]
Up at 5- Beautiful morning Palmer & the
Doctor breakfasted. Held Court. Allison
left for the Similkameen – Steamer Moody
arrived Recd No 9- with enclosure from Tom
Message fr a Capt about certificate to enable him to
draw my pension. Mrs Charles returned
fr Victoria
Palmer Dewdney & Dr Oliver dined, sat
up later writing.
Str Moody left for Westminster
Gompertz & Moberly went down in her
Pringle fidgetting about, sat knowing
what mischief [illegible] Horse very lame
Oliver left for the Camp. Palmer in-
spected Dewdneys road. Paid the Bishop
a visit & walked over his land with him
he rode out to the Camp to give service
at the Camp in the morning.
Lovely morning. Palmer left for the
Camp at 6- AM. Wrote till breakfast
Service at 11- only 5- no sermon no Col,
Mrs Pringle paid me a long visit, afterwards
went with her to the Fort. Dewdney called
Str Moody arrived at 2- P.M. having made a
very quick trip. The Bishop Pringle & Philips
dined. Service at 7- 11- attended no Collection
the Bishop preached a capital sermon. Walked
home with him at 10- – sat up late writing
horrid lonely.
Fine Morning. Mosquitoes troublesome
lay in bed till 8½ – Held Court.
In office nearly all the day wrote a heap of
officials. Posted No 12 to Mamsey
Anderson Charles Ogden & Capt Irvine spent
the evening. Very high wind the dust most
disagreeable. Sat up late, how I wish I was
in a position to go home again.
Up at 6- Wrote certificate of improvement
for Moberly & Dewdney for their preemption at Beaver
lake Str Moody left at 9- Held Court at
10- Went out fishing with the Bishop
but had bad sport – cought one about 1½ lb.
got him at 8 O.C. Dewdney spent
the evening & slept. The mosquitoes very
troublesome at his own house. The bear very
noisy & troublesome during the night –
Fine day
Breakfast at 9- Paid Dewdney £40- – on
Grants acct. Charles gave Uren a billingsgate
touch – on acct of which the latter applied for a
summons. Ogden & sons left for New Caledonia
Walked out the Bishop to his land
Dewdney dined. Turner in at
11- O.C.
Horse still very lame from the effects of
the shoeing
Up at 7- Fine morning, the garden
looking much in want of Rain – Steamer
Moody arrived at 12- noon. Grant Begbie Bushby
Mathew Walker McDonnell Hepburn
arrived – one of the missing English mail arrived. Recd No [left blank]
and a paper fr Mack. Had a long chat with Bushby
– He & Walker
dined with Dewdney, Begbie & Mathew with
me. Grant went to Yale – Paid Dewdney £220 =
on J.G’s account. The Bishop called today & left $100
with me on account of his farm.
Up at 5- The Bishop breakfasted at 6 O.C.
& left for Westminster & in the Moody. Begbie &
Dewdney rode to the Skadget flat. Bushby
Walker & Mathew walked to the lake house
Pringle issued invitations for his
entertainment on Monday. Bushby
turned up having walked from the
Beaver lake alone. McDonald &
Hepburn spent the evening.
Slight rain during the night up at 7-
Up at 7-
Service at 11- 9- present Col. $1-75 –
Begbie arrived fr. Lake House
Evening service at 7- 11- present
Up at 4- Rode with Grant & Begbie to
Andersons log. Fished with Begbie in the
Quaquealla & killed 25 lb weight of trout
Paid Grant £20- Home at
6- Dined with Pringle
Dearest Chaws Birth day – 20- Fine
morning – Assizes opened at 11- no
criminal business. Long address fr
His Honor. Paid Dewdney on Begbies acct
$125-. Dewdney left for Okanagan
Up at 6 Nothing by fuss
& confusion Begbie Mathew &
Walker left for Yale. Bushby &
self rode to 2 crossing of Quaquealla
& fished very good sport killed
37- trout weighing 25½ lbs. Home
at 6 dined with Charles. Mabels
birth day. McKay & Revd Glover
arrived fr Yale. Sat up late long
chat with Bushby which I enjoyed.
Back to Peter O’Reilly’s 1861 Diary
Peter O’Reilly’s 1861 diary has been transcribed by volunteers and staff of the Vancouver Island Local History Society and is for informational purposes only. Researchers interested in this diary are advised to consult the original document housed at the Royal British Columbia Museum & Archives, found in MS-2894, the O’Reilly family fonds.