A1E OrJ Or32
File XI
via New York.
recd March 12
Mrs O’Reilly
Point Ellice
British Columbia
15th Feb. 1897
My darling Mother,
I am afraid you will think I have been bad about writing to you lately, as I sent only a note from Richmond & this is just a few lines to tell you I am here & enjoying my visit with Jessie very much. I am sending Frank a letter but perhaps he will have left you by the time this reaches so I think it better to write to you as well, in case you felt anxious. A letter from dear Father posted 23ri Jan. just recd. I am so glad you are all well and enjoying Frank’s stay with you. I hope he will not have to hurry away to the cold weather up country. I am very sorry I was not able to get a Cardigan, such as you wanted – they were dreadfully coarse & heavy at the Stores or else with silk sleeves, and back lined with flannel. I am afraid I shall not be able to get one in Dublin. How I wish you were here the weather is absolutely perfect bright warm sunshine ! We are just off to the Golf links. You will say I am most careless. I did not send the Calendars to Effie & Jessie as I was always expecting to come over to them, & when I came I forgot them! I have told Jessie, & she says she will write & thank you for yr. kind thought of her. This is such a pretty place I think Ireland here, is lovely I am afraid I shall not be able to get Fathers neckties to send by Mr. Ward. perhaps I can write to Mrs. Jackson to get them for him. Mr. w. did not seem
much inclined to take anything, as he is not going direct to Victoria, but via San Francisco. she told me not to repeat this. I gave him coat & vest for Frank, & some little silver dishes for the dinner table wh. Carry thought were very inexpensive & that you wd like they are all Hallmarked. & I gave him your other pr. spectacles. A pair of boots wh. I remember Jack wanted when I left. I had made, but did not like to ask him to take. Mr. Jackson gave Mr. Ward yr umbrella to take (beautifully covered but I took possession of it as you have yr. new one & I thought Mr. w. might let it get broken! do’nt tell him this! He also has Frank’s 88 links given him by Mr.J. they say the link I brought home yr old one is difficult to make, it wants special kind of tools. Please thank dear Father for his letter I was getting quite anxious for news of you all. Jessie has letter from Craigdarroch much later date – 27 Jan.. I really think they do’nt hurry to send mine fr.the Bank. it seems as if I ought to have had later news of you. I hope there will be no trouble with the leg this spring, how nice it wd be if Father was coming over for the baths. Lady Seymour goes to Aix in May & Admiral Hare is most anxious to go. He says he wd love to have Father to go with him. I I am sure he would be all right if he did. You and Father really ought to come over. do you think you will some other year? I am only afraid my jaunt & enjoyment costs so much, that you grudge the expense for yourselves which makes me feel wicked! The Jacksons were awfully nice & friendly. I think they are sad. She told me to tell you they could put up all three if you would only come and Richmond is so near London. The Gloucester Rd. station is exactly opposite Baileys Hotel, across the road & it is only half an hour fr. there. I was charmed with Richmond & their little home, & they know a few nice people, but I must tell you about it another day. With much dear love to all.
Always your loving child.
Kathleen O’Reilly.
I wonder if you have heard fr. Mr. Stanhope or if he does not want to know us anymore. it is a mystery to me.
(*1) — 2020 – This letter is also part of the O'Reilly Letters 1896-97 Collection.
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This collection of letters has been digitized from an earlier transcription project and is for informational purposes only. This transcription has not been verified against the originals. Researchers interested in these letters should consult the original documents housed at the BC Archives.