AlE Or3 r32
File XI
Recd 9th Feb/97
Mrs. O’Reilly
Point Ellice
British Columbia
Posted 23rd
14 Augusta Gardens
21st Jan. 97
My darling Mother,
I sent off my letter to Father in a hurry, on Tuesday, & Vivian says he thinks it was not in time for the mail, so you may get this at the same time. I am afraid it was a naughty letter & do hope it will not worry you for it is all over now & remember I never had a word with Uncle Joe, so do not say anything to him about me. He did not ask me anything about what we did in town last week & I did not volunteer anything. He is always nice & says his only wish is to do just what I like & to make his plans fit with mine. so I only thank him nicely but really he has done nothing to amuse me or arrange for me to go anywhere. He is content to have me with him, & then he talks of Josephine & as I stand in awe of him, do what he likes & am pleasant to him he is not pleased with me if I go anywhere else. With regard to his talking about me & Mr. Stanhope, I was very angry, as I told dear Father, but it is blown over now, & I am so glad I did not tell him what I felt (tho’ Josephine did)I have learnt never to say anything to him that is not to be repeated to the whole family circle. You should remember this. I hope Jack’s underdrawers will be right they did not have them with the webbing between the legs but if ordered can get them in a day or two. I paid for the neckties I got for him at English, some time ago & have just remembered they a gave me a bill wh. they said was owing. I am afraid it is careless not to have sent it before. I am in correspondence with Jessie about going to her after Barclay’s dance on 28th. I think of giving yr other pair of spectacles to Mr. Ward to take out I do’nt know whether to go abroad or not & think it wd be more pleasant pay visits in England. Uncle Joe’s temper & spirits are trying. he is so cross at times to Josephine (not to me) that it is wonderful how she stands it. Her Grandmother told me yesterday she must speak to him again as he makes the poor girls life at misery, she does not feel it as much as some people wd & at other times he fondles her & makes love to her in the most foolish way which of course she hates & wh. I am sorry to say, makes everyone talk and laugh about him. Perhaps I ought not to write this to you but I may write everything to you. May not I Mother dear?
It would be nice if you wd write & thank Carry & the Admiral for all their goodness to me. Baby is so sweet she says “I must be good to Pussy. She is so far from her Mammy” & she asks me to tell you if you will only come she will go to see you in bed every morning & adds, “it will be a lot to do, for there will be Father & Mother & you & Vivian to go & see in bed, as well.” & she says “tell your Father, I am going to ask Mother to take me out to see him.” It’s so nice being with them here. They talk of going abroad for the Admirals health, if they can let this house. Carry & I went one night to a play called “My Girl” it is so funny & pretty & we enjoyed it very much. I wish you had been with us. On Sunday morning we went to the Chapel Royal, St. James because Canon Fleming was preaching there a beautiful sermon, but sad about God knowing exactly where the shadow should fall across our lives or across a nation, or the world. Text from 11 Kings 20 q. We stayed to the Holy Communion it was very solemn. Only ourselves two men, & the two clergy men. When we came out we walked up St. James Street to get a hansom & just as we were driving off I saw Adm. Stephenson who gave me a very friendly cheery greeting. We went to lunch with Carry’s friends the Tarns[?] iss T would tell my fortune with cards it was rather funny! We stayed a long time & then drove to Carry’s friends house old Mr. Biguold [?] & back to the hotel. I thought Mr. Stanhope wd call but I had a note from him the day before yesterday saying he could not come, he was so busy. I think, he thought there was no good in coming & of course he had a lot to do. he said he was just off to Euston he went to Liverpool & by sea to Marseilles. he said he was very sorry not to have seen some more of me. & that he would like to go out to B.C. I am so anxious to know if he wrote to you, Mother I do’nt think he did. & everything is very much as it was before. I wanted so much to say something to him about the diamond pin, but did not screw up my courage to say it. Of course he wd have told me to keep it & it would have looked as if I was going back to the past. His mother was so charming & nice to me. I shd like to meet her again, but people are always out when one calls. You will tell me if you had a letter. I hope my darling Mother you will not be worried about all this. I am not, and am very well & looking forward to paying my other visits. If you are not coming to England for baths for Fathers leg. I hope to find some one going back early in the Spring. [dated 22nd Jan /7] I suppose Effie goes in April. Do you know when Mrs. Palliser goes? the Tarns know her & Gladys Featherstonhaugh. I am leaving here on Tuesday to go to the Barclays & expect to leave there on Friday & go to Mrs. Ward in town for a day or two before going to Ireland. I hope this arrangement wont fall through you have no idea how difficult it is to fit in invitation visits. As bad as arranging a dinner party. I am sure your’s were a success. I am writing his letter, a few lines at a time when I can find a few quiet minutes, so that I hardly know what I have said. I have had to write five notes this morning! I did not manage going to see Louisa Ellis but hope to later. Have had a note fr. Mr. J. Whyte, asking me to let me know when I shall be at Charing X on Tuesday as he wants to see me. He saw the Uncles in town the other day. Uncle Joe went up with Josephine on Thursday & the arrangement was that he was to go on tomorrow (Sat) to stay with the Mucklows, for shooting, for a week or ten days, and Josephine was to return here to be with Aunt Em. till his return; but I do’nt think he will go to Cornwall. he does not like going without Josephine (who was not asked) & there has been a fall of snow with every prospect of more to come. so I suppose they could not shoot & I think he will make the weather an excuse for not going. I have not written to Boquet Duprey yet it is difficult to find time.
You have not mentioned Fanny the maid, is she with you and still a comfort? I wonder how old Romer is standing the winter. I hope you are all quite well dears, my love to the boys. I am afraid you will be having cold weather now, as we have it. It is strange I do ‘nt seem to feel it. perhaps the English houses are warmer & I have warm clothes. my cloak lined with fur is lovely & comfortable. Will you tell Father I have drawn cheques for nearly £100. it seems a dreadfully large sum. I do’nt remember what he said my credit was at the Bank. I try to be careful, & I keep accounts but the money seems to fly. I think I ought to be going home with Mr. Ward but it is as you say not a very good time to travel. Carry asks me to give you her love, she says she is always meaning to write, but she always has something to do. Now I must stop or lose the post. Much dear love to you all from
Your loving child Pussy
(*1) –
This letter is also part of the O'Reilly/Stanhope Correspondence Collection
Back to Letters 1896-97This collection of letters has been digitized from an earlier transcription project and is for informational purposes only. This transcription has not been verified against the originals. Researchers interested in these letters should consult the original documents housed at the BC Archives.