My own beloved husband
Last evening I received a note from Mr. Hawkins telling me that you will be down by the next boat. Can you imagine my surprise & delight for I had quite given up the hopes of your coming since Mr. Cornwall called here on Friday last & told me that you had
told him your were not likely to be down & that you had engaged yourself to dine with Mr. McKays. It hardly seems possible that the Telegraph can be working after being down so long. It is indeed fortunate for us – is it not. Mr. Cornwall said you had a County Court at Yale to-day so you will not be able to start till to-morrow morning
and you will have a long dreary trip down the river, but never mind if you are only in time for the “Enterprise” on Thursday of course John will go to meet the boat I shall send the “Aha” if the weather is fine & the hour not too late. He is in great glee at the idea of seeing you the Puss-pie also. Of my own feelings I will not speak. The nurse was
called away on Sunday & since then I have had little rest but I am, thank Good wonderfully well considering all. I thought Mrs. Bond would not leave till to-day it being 4 weeks from the birth of the No.3 as I always call the new baby so I asked Mr. C to drive here last evening as you expressed a wish to that effect. He came & we did the best we could
to entertain him he did not leave till past 11, & I had a bad night with No. 3 so I cannot wonder that I have suffered from a bad headache to-day & I am quite giddy at this moment. I cannot be fretful certain about you coming, dearie & that upsets me.
You will meet Mr. L at Westminster if you are on your way down
and he will tell you about the Govr. better than I can he saw him yesterday I am sure I hope he will ultimately recover. Mrs. Drake is very unfortunately she is again in bed having taken a cold. I try to take care but of course I (*18)
*18 Page two of this transcribed letter is missing from our collection. JW 2020
This collection of letters has been digitized from an earlier transcription project and is for informational purposes only. This transcription has not been verified against the originals. Researchers interested in these letters should consult the original documents housed at the BC Archives.