Beautiful morning wrote a number
of Letters. The Maria discharged her passengers
at Mariaville Island & came up Charles returned
The Dutchman arrived – Sergt McCall & Corporal
Turner arrived – a heap of Letters fr the Colonel
Cheque enclosed. Recd £50 fr Luard on
acct of survey. Dined at Dewdneys Glennies – &
spent a most stupid evening Recd No 24
& 2 papers, also 1 letter fr. Elliott written fr
Panama. Recd fr. Grant Title deed fr L2-B16
New Westminster
[overwritten text]
cashed the
Bishops Cheque
for me $200
Some rain during the night & morning
Wrote letters to the Gov Col. Moody Luard
&c St Maria left early. The Yale came
down & passed without even blowing her whistle
Mail sent down in the Dutchman
Meeting with reference to Silver lead. Walked
with Mrs & Charles to the Bridge
Sent £20 – to Sanders to pay for Yale lot
Charles cashed the Bishops Cheque
for me $271-25-. Note fr Sanders in reference
to Y.
Beautiful morning. Sent Sanders per
Indian $650- fr Y. $150- dust $500- coin
Service in the Court House at 11- O.C.
on[ly] 4 present – Holy Communion 2- remained
Collection $2-00 Walked with Cregie to Ninds
land. Read – strolled about with Mrs Pringle
Evening Service 7- O.C. 7 attended. Collection
Fine morning wrote out requisition & cash
Books. Paid Constable Edmonds $211-00
balance still due him $22-75-. Dined
early & walked to Ninds land – on my
return found that I had lost my purse
& keys. – Lent Pringle $20 –
Moberly spent the evening
Up early & went down to look for my
purse & keys – found the purse but
not the keys, searched for hours –
Wrote up Land Records – & started
again with two Indians & Mashell
in search of the keys but with no better
success. Dined & spent the evening
at the Fort.
High wind during the night
Held Court. Busy & office with Land
Returns. Edney took out Summons in
the Supreme Court against Glennie for
$880-. Pringle & wife called –
In great want of my keys, & how
I miss my daily visit to the Portmanteau
Walked down to Ninds land lit
some fires – & came home in a down
pour of rain Spent the evening at Pringles
1861-03-07 *
Very wet morning. In office nearly all
Day. The Dutchman arrived at 1 P.M. went
to Yale & returned. Glennie called with
Dewdney in a state of fuss at Edneys sueing him
The Maria arrived at 6. Lady Franklin her
neace Miss Cracroft & maid, Hankin Parsons
Dr Rattray & Symonds R.N. paid Lady Franklin a visit
& remained nearly all the evening on board.
What a nice old lady she is, so unaffected
Parsons & Hankin came up for an hour
[overwritten text]
A heap of letters.
Wet morning but afterwards cleared up Parsons
breakfasted. Paid Lady
Franklin a visit at 10- on board the Maria
afterwards walked with her & Miss Creycroft
about town & into all the shops, & back to Court
house where she remained some time, & appeared
to take great interest in examining the maps
& asked questions about everything. She left in
the Maria at 12- for Yale – wrote some
letters. Attended one of Pringles humbugging
meetings about the Church, & left in disgust
Fine morning. Held Court. Took information
& issued warrant for the arrest of Jno Burk
charged with stealing blankets fr [illegible] on Trail
The Maria returned fr Yale at 1- P.M.
Lady Franklin in great delight at the
reception she recd at Yale. Had a long
chat with her & strolled about the town. Parsons
dined afterwards returned on board to Tea
& spent the evening. Lady F. gave Pringle gave
$25- for the Church. Parsons slept & took
up his quarters with me.
Beautiful morning. Called for Lady F. & took her
to Church – long sermon fr Pringle strolled about
after which she returned to her rooms, afterwards
Lounched with Pringle. Walked with Lady
F. to Quaquealla, & got caught in a heavy
shower of rain – drenched through. Tremen-
-dous storm several trees blown down, no
evening service, dined & spent the evening
on board with Lady Franklin. Pringle gassy
as usual much to Parsons amusement
[overwritten text]
22 attended
morning service
Lady Franklin
gave Pringle $5-
towards the Church
Up early. Took the evidence of John
Boyd, & committed John Burk for trial at
Assizes. Hankin rode my horse to
Dewdneys camp & brought him home cut
all over, & lame. Gave Lady Franklin
some specimens of gold & sand, & took
leave – a salute fired for her. What a nice
old lady she is. Walked with Parsons to inspect
Dewdneys road particularly the part crossing
Moors land where he decided that it should be
[overwritten text]
carried over the
Flat Lounched at
Got home at
6 very tired
Posted No 5 to
dearest Mamsey –
Beautiful day. Parsons arranged &
put up the Sun dial. Walked to Ninds
land with Cregie. Afterwards took a
canoe & took Parsons to see the Silver
lead with which he expressed himself
much pleased. Dined at Dewdneys
Glennie & Gompertz there also.
Home early & turned in at 12- –
The Flying Dutchman arrived with
both expresses – but as usual the mail
left behind – letter from Luard in which were
enclosed Parsons English letters. The Dutch
man returned, & Parsons left in her at 1 P.M.
Very wet afternoon. Dewdney & Moberly
were to have dined but only the latter came
Recd letter fr Torrens by Express.
Beautiful morning. In office
nearly all day – making out land
returns. Moberly called & abused
the Colonel in no measured words.
Called on Mrs Charles and
dined there, afterwards I walked
with Charles to the Quaquealla &
spent the evening at the Fort.
Fine day. Rode out to inspect
the new waggon road – nearly two
miles finished – returned & lunched
with Moberly – The Dutchman arrived
with mail but to my horror no English
mail. How I long to hear how dear Mamsey
is. The Yale & Maria arrived, the former
went straight up without stopping. The Gov
did not come as expected. Sat up late writing
drew on Burnaby for $217-70- to pay for his
lots, & got the cash from Anderson
[overwritten text]
McKay arrived
from Camloops
Beautiful morning – very tired – bad
head ache lay in bed till 9- Paid Moberly
£20- on acct of waggon road – went out
& saw Glennie who handed me his plea of
defense to be filed in to Edney – went down to Ninds
land & chopped down trees till 5- P.M.
spent the evening at the Fort.
Fine morning. Service at 11- 9.- attended
Walked with McKay & Charles to Ninds
Land. Read & spent a most lonely
evening. McKay Charles & Pitman
dined. Service at 7- only 4 present
Collection $0-25. – Walked to the Fort
& spent an hour there.
Lovely day. The Strs. Yale & Dutchmen
went down there – The Maria arrived having
left half her freight at Jeffreys bar for
which she returned. Steward Leonard &
Franklin arrived also Hooper who brought
me £1000- fr Luard on acct of the
waggon road. Paid Moberly £207 – making
£240 including the payment on the 16th – dined
at Charles – in a state of fuss at [illegible]
that I had pd Moberly too much, but made
him refund. Steward slept.
[overwritten text]
Uren commenced
to paper & paint
my rooms.
Beautiful day. Rode out on the
Road, afterwards walked with Stuart
& Franklin. Held Court. Issued summons
agst Dewdney at suit of Hamlin Busy in
office. Maria went down Pringle
left for Victoria McKay do. –
Dined at the Fort – walked with
Charles. Hotchin spoke of leaving
for England for which I am sorry
Beautiful day up early & plantedsome 16 apple trees which I got fr Charles
also 1- Pear, & 1 Cherry. Inspected the
second mile of waggon road, objected to the
grade in two places, also to the side cuttings
Paid Moberly & Dewdney £240 – conditionally
Frank & Dunbar arrived fr Smilkameen
& report the trail to be in good order, & no
scarcity of provisions. Letter fr Cox in which
he tells me his whole history, & reports the
discovery of Gold in the Okanagan
[overwritten text]
Gompertz bought
Michauds lot 60- acres
for $300.
A good deal of rain during the night
cold raw day – remained in house
the whole day arranging my papers
& trying to get Uren to stir himself
which is no easy matter. Jno Thomas
took the oath of Allegiance, the first
to whom I have administered it.
Gompertz called full of business and
Importance. Charles spent the evening
The Dutchman arrived, went to Yale, & returned
no letters –
[overwritten text]
Got my rooms
Cold morning two inches of snow, such
a change from the last six weeks
The Yale arrived, & reported the Maria to
be aground at Jeffreys bar. Called on
Mrs Pringle & sent her some wine
What a nuisance being without our
mail so long.
Sharp frost during the night, & very cold
Morning. Crow left for the Forks
Held Court – busy in office
dined at the Fort & spent a most
stupid evening.
Cannot help being fidgetty &
uneasy at not hearing from home
1861-03-24 *
Beautiful day. Report reach
Hope that the Yale had met with an
accident on her way down, also that the
Maria was still aground at Jeffreys bar
No service. Pringle at Victoria
Read, afterwards walked with Charles
& Gompertz to big lake. Read & spent
a lonely afternoon – dined with Moberly
The Str Moody arrived at 9½ – her first
trip. Begbie Bushby & Walker on board
Fine morning Str Moody went down
for part of her freight to Jeffreys bar.
Posted No 6- to Mamsey & 2 Papers. Assize
opened at 11- Begbies address highly
complimentary. John Burk convicted of
stealing blankets – sentence to 9 months
hard labour. Edney v. Glennie is posponed
Got orders for titles to my lots. Walked
with Begbie on new road. Gompertz called
Whist in the evening
Str Col Moody left fr Westminster
Busy in office. Long chat with Bushby
poor fellow in very low spirits could not get
him to go out. Walked with Charles & Walker
to big lake. Dined at Dewdneys Stupid
entertainment, Cards Bushby & self
[miselled] & had a long wa wa – but
were interrupted by Begbie coming home at
1- AM.
Fine morning slight frost. Str Dutchman
arrived at 8- Begbie, & Bushby left in a
great hurry for Yale. Walker too late &
took up his quarters with me.
Spent an idle day. Planted a few
apple trees. Charles & Walker dined.
Popper lodged complaint against
a drunken man for breaking his windows.
Turned in at 12-
Fine morning Brunskill & Easton
employed in leveling & taking out stumps
about the Court house Str Yale arrived
small English mail – Recd No 1- & 4
papers – to my great relief – Walker went
on board for Yale. Spent the evening at
the Fort & have not felt so happy for many
a day, another month will bring me
an answer to my letter of 31st Decr God
grant that it may be favourable
Issued a number of Licences to China
men. The Dutchman arrived & proceeded
to Yale returning at noon. Moody arrived
at 4- small bag of letters Pringle returned in
high dugeon about his land. Sergt McCall
& Const Turner returned to head Quarters. Send an
order to Ball for £21- drawn on Landvoigt
Pringle Paid me $ [left blank] cash lent at
sundry times, & $35 subscriptions for Church.
Spent the evening at the Fort Anderson there
Heavy rain during the night. Wrote to
Stewart about renting lots at Westminster
To Luard enclosing the Bishops receipts for
Hope Town lots. Str Moody left at 10- A.M.
Express left for up country & Cariboo &
Similkameen. Sent a budget to Nind & Cox
Pringle down right impertinent about his
land, & writes no end of nonsense. Rode
out to the falls, dined & spent the evening at
the Fort. Str Hope arrived
Beautiful morning. Read – Service
at 11- 7- attended. Holy Communion 4
remained – Collection $2-50. Str Hope returned
fr Yale Begbie Bushby & Walker arrived. Walked
with Bushby to the Bishops Lake – The Yale arrived
at 6 PM. Robinson family on board. Begbie &
Bushby dined Recd Title deed for L7-B8- fr
Cary Service at 7- 5 attended – Collection
$0-50 – Singing. A good deal of
rain during the night.
Back to Peter O’Reilly’s 1861 Diary
Peter O’Reilly’s 1861 diary has been transcribed by volunteers and staff of the Vancouver Island Local History Society and is for informational purposes only. Researchers interested in this diary are advised to consult the original document housed at the Royal British Columbia Museum & Archives, found in MS-2894, the O’Reilly family fonds.