[no entry]
[no entry]
[no entry]
Very wet & stormy day
Left Hope in Str Moody at 1 P.M.for the
Chilwahook to inspect the Hope &
Chilwahook trail arrived at Harrison river
at 3½. Got a canoe on board & went
down to Fargoes bar, where I left the Str &
proceeded in canoe to the old Chilwahook boundary
camp – got on the trail & with Satcher
packing my blankets walked about five
miles over the Prairie, where we over
took the Pack train of Messrs Baily & [Snow]
& stopped for the night as I had no tent.
The Prairie is about four miles
in length – does not appear to be overflow
but several sloughs intersect it which at
high water must be difficult to pass
The soil is rich & good grass & [illegible] [vetches].
The trail or path winds through the prairie
but if necessary might be carried along
the base of the ridge of hills which
separate the prairie fr the river & thusly
across the slough & along these hills
having a good deal of timber stands
Bearing N.N.E. & about one
mile fr. River.
[no entry]
Up at 4½ – beautiful morning – no water
convenient no bath. Got under way
at 6½. The trail running through Rich
low damp soil for ½ mile N.N.E.
about 1½ mile N.E. trail very boggy
& heavily timbered – the next 3 miles
N.E. following the curve of a good large stream –
heavy timber & a good deal of
hard wood Maple, Dogwood, about 5 miles
farther the trail strikes the river & passes
through large Indian Potatoe Patches
Indian Burial Ground. Rich Land all
about here, & not much timber. Reached
the 21 mile Ranchree at 12- noon
Up at 4 Breakfasted & started on
horse for Hope – having first provided a
canoe for Satcher & Rattray. The trail
very muddy & no better than on the previous
day. Reached Walkers house at 80 where I
fed the horse – Indian Ranch at this side
of Walkers almost entirely built of portions
of the Yale – reached Hope at 1½ Just as the
Congregation were leaving Church 17- attended
Hope arrived – No evening service very tired
turned in at 9- P.M.
The Moody arrived at 5- Grant, Palmer
Dr Oliver & 80 of the R.E. band playing & all
jolly – how very refreshing the sight of the
Soldiers & the band! Grant Palmer, & the Dr break
fasted – after which the Soldiers marched out
to camp [illegible] miles. Grant rode my horse.
Anderson’s reported the drownding of [Duhie’s]
McDougle who fell overboard on the 5th inst
a short distance from Langley. McLoughlin
called. Palmer slept.
[overwritten text]
Let the Bishop
Garden to Brunkill
& Chisholm for
Str Moody arrived fr Yale at 4½ A.M,, all
but missed sending off the mail. Nasty cold
rainy morning. We are certainly paying
for the fine weather we have had.
Palmer & self paid visits to the Fort & Mrs Charles
tender called for the supply of vegetables for
the Engineers. Satcher & the Indian started to the Similkameen
with things for Frank. Paid Charles $74 on Franks
acct. Palmer dined & rode a mule out
to the work. Moberly called. Gardening.
Late Breakfast rode out on road, overtook
Smith, & went on to Grant where I stopped
a couple of hours – In the morning traded
with Indian for 21 skins for which I paid
$33-25- very much to Charles’ disgust.
Palmer dined alone – rode horse with
Smith Helming & Dunbar. Smith
dined. Moberly spent the evening
Cold raw day
Cold day rain during the night
Wrote letters – in office – Held court
Str Moody arrived Jackson & J. Work
on board- long letter from Luard. The Moody
went to Yale. Str Hope arrived & went up
no mail – how I long for my next
letter! Wrote to Mamsey the Capt.
Enclosed No 10- Mamsey
Beautiful morning – opened tenders
for the Church with Pringle & Landvoigt
Mansons tender being the lowest, it was
accepted at $1700- dollars dispensing
with the seats – work to be funded by 31st
of July – Steamers Hope & Moody left
for Westminster taking the mail.
Held Court. Busy in office, & working
in garden – rode out to Engineers Camp
with Charles – found the men had just
finished work for the day. Grant
returned with us – arrived in hope
at 9½.
Beautiful day –
Fine morning breakfast at 9-
No service Pringle having gone
to Engineer Camp. Steamers Hope
& Moody arrived at 2- P.M. – no mail
letter fr. Luard – among other news
the Governor Agnes & [illegible] had
arrived. Palmer arrived. He & Grant
dined. No evening service
Dewdney returned from Westminster
Beautiful morning Held Court
at 10 AM – Walker v. Welsh –
Dewdney called. Grant & Palmer went
out to Camp. Cregie rode horse out
to consult Dr Oliver about his arm
from which he has been suffering for
a long time. Satcher returned from
the Similkameen.
Very fine day – McKay arrived fr
Kamloops, having lost three several horses
in the snow. Went out with him &
Charles to fish but could not get a
rise – Went to the silver lead with
Charles & McKay – found Greenwood &
Travis at work –
Up at 6- In office held court. Rode
out to R.E. Camp – stopped some time
with Dewdney. Went with Grant &
Palmer to Quaquealla to fish, but could
not get a rise – river too high & muddy
Got back to camp at 6- Band played
till 9- such a treat I have not had
for many a day, sat up chatting till
12- Slept in Palmers tent.
Beautiful day Left camp at 8
& rode quickly home, got a tumble
of the horse just before I reached Hope
Dr Oliver walked in, & was immediately
sent for, one of the men having met with
an accident. Bought a horse for Grant
from Vedder for $100- Palmer arrived dined
& slept. McKay spent the evening. Expected
the Governor but no steamer arrived
Very anxious for my letters –
Some heavy rain during the night, fine
Morning. Race on the street between Suttons
& Reeces houses – the former [running]. Mrs
Charles finished the curtain for my room
strolled about with Palmer expecting
the steamer, but she did not turn up
spent the evening at the Fort, played
Whist. Recd letter from Begbie requesting
me to send him some [barly] to Skadget Pass
Engaged 4 Indians to start at 3- in the morning
Very wet morning Up at 7- Glennie &
McKay called, do Landvoigt – Strs Hope
& Moody arrived – Governor, Good, Gompertz,
&c arrived – Salute fired – English mail – Recd
No 5 & 6 – on reading which I cannot
describe my feelings of grief – Mamsey
cannot mean it, [she] must not have understood
me & I cannot explain – I am half mad, Oh
my God – I cannot bear to think of it. I do not
blame her, the fault must be my own. Turned
in at [3] AM
[overwritten text]
Recd £500
from Luard for
Grant’s road –
Up at 6- Beautiful morning. Walked to the Bishops
lake How wretched & miserable I am. Back at 9
Gov & Good Breakfasted. Moody & Hope returned
from Yale. Palmer went down. No Service
Walked about with H.E. but in no frame of
mind to do anything – cannot keep my thought
from the one subject. I have not been misunderstood
& cannot explain. Why? it is hard to bear it. No
evening service. Bushby arrived fr Similkameen
at 9- having left Begbie at Lake house. Sat up
[overwritten text]
till 1- AM talking
with Bushby. What a
contrast between our
Up at 4- Fine Morning. Walked with H.E.Breakfast at 8½ – Deputation waited
on H.E. at 11- No end of talk, but very little
done. Pringle as usual very long loquations, the
subject of closing shops on Sunday brought up
& supported by H.E. – Rode out on the new
road with H.E. & Good. Met Begbie returning to
Hope – rode to Grants Camp & returned at 7-
P.M. Very tired – & bad head ache –
turned in at 12-
Beautiful day Up at 5- strolled
about with H.E. busy about the preemptions
act all day. Called on Mrs Charles & Pringle
Mrs P. lounched & afterwards rode to
Dewdneys Camp. H.E. in great force
as surly as a bear. Dined at 7-
Walked about with Bushby till 11-
can think of nothing but –
Fine morning Up at 5- long
walk with H.E. – In office till 12-
Several called on the Governor with
reference to their preemption claims
[no entry]
Queens 42nd Birth day
Up at 5- walked with H.E. Breakfast at 8½
Busy preparing for the salute, & Louncheon
Salute of 21 guns fired at 12- feeding at
2- horse & foot racing. Johny distinguished
Himself. The Yankees not at all approving
of the proceedings. Information lodged by
Capt Venables of $140 having been stolen
from him. Issued warrant & sent Const Edmonds
to search, but helo. Fire in Thomas house
Str Hope arrived – reporting the Str Douglas
[overwritten text]
aground at Harrison
River. How tired
I am of the whole
affair & glad when
it was over
turned in at 12- OC
Up at 5- Walked with H.E. Breakfast
at 8- Begbie & Good have a slight dif
ference of opinion. All in fuss &
confusion about getting H.E. traps in
order, a more useless lot of flunkies I never
saw. H.E. left for Yale at 1. P.M
being the second trip of the Hope. Went
to Union Bar to settle many disputes
Str Hope returned fr Yale & Begbie left in
her for Westminster
Fine morning up at 8- Str Governor
Douglas made her appearance at Greenwood
Island but could not make the turn, came
up the slough – Recd by her 2000 cabbage
plants fr Hooper & stationary for Ball, sent
canoe to Yale with H.E’s letters – long yarn
fr Luard. Venables three sheets in the wind
No morning service. Evening service at
7- 5 attended – Collection $0-50. Mrs
Merritts child baptized very lonely day
[overwritten text]
Sent £20-0-0
to Sanders
enclosed in Mail
Heavy rain during the night, & wet all
day planted my cabbage plants –
employed Satcher & Whiffen. Str Douglas
left at 3- AM. Venables left called about
getting a canoe to go to Yale quite
[no entry]
[no entry]
Paid Grant £7//3//6 – Wrote to Luard
with reference to Titles for my Suburban lots
Posted letter to the Capt enclosing statement
of our acct & informing him that I had
lost the suburban lot (Michauds) & that the
£150- was in my hands. How I wish I could
write to Mamsey!
[no entry]
Back to Peter O’Reilly’s 1861 Diary
Peter O’Reilly’s 1861 diary has been transcribed by volunteers and staff of the Vancouver Island Local History Society and is for informational purposes only. Researchers interested in this diary are advised to consult the original document housed at the Royal British Columbia Museum & Archives, found in MS-2894, the O’Reilly family fonds.