
15th Feb. Recorded 1 claim for
C. denourien. Maria
Ville - Bar - 100- feet
100 sqr feet
33¼ every side
16th Feb. J. F Whitford
          Nos of Claim 100-99-
  "       Richd Lane )
          Nos 97 - 98 )
  “       Andr Cragie )
          Nos 95 & 96 ) 75. 7
  “       Jas Orr )
          Nos 93 - 94 )
  “       John Forest )
          Nos 91- & 92- )
Nickerson Bar
Wm Nickerson & H. W. Bonell
No 1 & 2-      3 & 4
75 each claim  75 each claim
To be paid for & license
Feb 22nd  John Patterson
   “      Wm Rocker
   “      Thos Sullivan no 40
   “      Lanson & [Jondin] -
   “     [Heebner] - 5 & 6 -
   “      Michael Duffy 150 cents
   “      Lansden - Recorded 
               Puget Island
   “      F Farrfield 
               to call to record
   “      Jno Kemple 2 & 3
   “      - [Sun.] -
   “      W Davis
   “      Jas Wickam
March 9th Robert E. Sheldon ) Union
          George Camp ) Bar
   “   Jno Harlin Do
   “   J B Moore Do
   “   Cornelius [Cloughlin] Do
Hugh Gallagher  )
Charles Bever   ) W. H Dill
Sam Smith       ) Cornish Bar
14th Wm Wells - ) objectionable
     Jno Myers  ) Blue nose Bar
 “ Louis Tritch - Hudson Bar –
 “ Pat - Ryan   - To Pay to Landvoigt
 “ Joseph Geske - Do Manhatten
 “ George Dunbar Prospect Bar Hotchins
 “ Jas Kruthers - Prospect Bar
 “ Theodore Krüger
             No of [claim]
Alyck Michie 8.10 pd
S. Lampkins  4    pd
S Merrit     6.7  pd
Wm [Majors]  8.10 pd
29th March

Union B. Ditch Company )
Fm Marshall to
  C. Murphy to J. Murphy
C. [Sammons]
A Pitman
Mitchim - Edwards & Molony
McCormick Questen
Orders in Goods [illegible]
For Govt $250 to be
[recupted] by Allison - Do
          for $60 - $10
          of which has been paid me
          To pay $100
          On goods acct to
          Edney - Private
[left margin text]
J. N. Carter
To [write] to Wilson
Agreement between [illegible]
and P. H Nind - to share
expenses profits losses &c of
Lot 11- Rural being 160 acres
or Rural land near Fort Hope
Price of Land $200- One share
$100- expense of clearing
$101- 26 - - one share
of same $50.75 -
July 24th 1860.
Also from Nind $26- to pay
1st enstalement on Lot 9- in B
2 - due 19th Augst.
James Uren agreed to rent ½ of
Lot B & to pay $5- per month
commencing the 1st day of Septr 1860.
[Illegible words]
12th  Atang China Man Pd
      for Atat - to pay for 4
12th  Ayung to Pay 2 men
  “   Cornish Bar
  “   Acon - $2-00 - to pay 
      for 4 men -
      Lee Sing to pay for  3- men
      Atong to pay for     2- men
      Ayung to pay for     2 men
      A Sing -             4 men
      Aschun -             3 - -
      A Chu pd 2-25 to pay 2- -
      A Wahy               2 men
      A toy                1- men
      A Chin               1 -
         Prospect Bar
      Richd Cambo to pay for 10 on Monday
      A Yung -             3 -

29th  A Sow
  “   A Hung -

Back to Peter O’Reilly’s 1860 Diary

Peter O’Reilly’s 1860 diary has been transcribed by volunteers and staff of the Vancouver Island Local History Society and is for informational purposes only. Researchers interested in this diary are advised to consult the original document housed at the Royal British Columbia Museum & Archives, found in MS-2894, the O’Reilly family fonds.

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