Notes – Front

Hope 1860
Lot 2. B. 4. .
[American] [loss]

Cash paid Uren
June 8th        $250
M. B. Begbie
per Landvoit     250
Urens Int         25
[Mich—] do        15
Lumber           100 Cash recd $78.0
[right margin text]
5800 feet
[Extra] 1700
45    54

I beg to advise having drawn on [Jan] thirty days
sight in favor
of Messr Robertson Stewart Esq. 14th May two Bills
of Exchange per £100 each which please
honor on presentation

Victoria 14th May 1860
We have this day received
from P OReilly Esq two Bills
of Exchange at 30 days Sight
14th May on the Provincial
Bank of Ireland for the
purpose of [illegible] the Same
and placing amt of proceeds
at his disposal
Robertson Stewart Esq

[Bend] pan
Small Kettle
1 axe
1 pick
1 shovel
Keg –
Cups Knives & forks –
[vertical text]
[illegible] Black Paint

Back to Peter O’Reilly’s 1860 Diary

Peter O’Reilly’s 1860 diary has been transcribed by volunteers and staff of the Vancouver Island Local History Society and is for informational purposes only. Researchers interested in this diary are advised to consult the original document housed at the Royal British Columbia Museum & Archives, found in MS-2894, the O’Reilly family fonds.

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