
Wet morning. Steamer arrived at 1 PM
Palmer en route to Boston Bar. The Bishop
Archdeacon Sheepshanks on board –
The Church consecrated at 2- Band
& quoir of R E made it pass of well
Holy Communion – Collection $55-25
The Archdeacon preached a capital sermon
Evening service at 7½ bad attendance Collection $17-50 Sheepshanks
preached – English mail Recd No 16-
turned in at 1- OC AM

Up at 7- breakfast at 9- The Bishop
Sheepshanks & Grant, busy in office
Paid Grant £19-14//8¾ & settled with
him in full – retaining £300- from him
on acct of the Rock Creek & Kamloops
trails. Steamer left at 1 P.M. R Engineers
Dined at 6½ sat up late chatting
with His Lordship.
Very wet evening

Heavy rain all night & morning
the whole palace in a sea of water Service
at 11- O.C. 11- attended – Collection $4-35-
Sermon by the Bishop text the grain of
mustard seed. In house all the day
Pringle dined at with us at 5- O.C.
Service at 7- 5- present – Collection
$2- Most incessant days rain

Rained all night
County Court
terrific storm first on the tops of the|
mountains, then up the river – some hundreds
blown down, houses verandas, pailings windows
all blown to bits, lost 4 of my horses – the Str
Hope a complete wreck, portions of her blown
hundreds of yrds away, the west window of the
Church blown in, & nearly all the new Indian houses
down, but no lives lost, the storm lasted fm 12 noon
till 4- P.M. Pringle & Philips dined

Wet & stormy night cleared up about 9-
Held Court – Sent two men & two Indians
to dig Ninds Potatoes, went to Silver
lead with the Bishop & Craigie, handed
over the lead to Arthur, [left blank] feet completed
Also the tools, stores &c &c. Palmer returned
from Yale & after considerable difficulty
got a canoe & started for Harrison river
on route to Westminster. Dined with Pringles
& spent a most s[t]upid evening – home at 11- OC

Up at 7- rain during the night, & snow
gradually creeping down the mountain
rode with the Bishop out to examine the road, found
trees blown down all the way so as effectually to
obstruct the traffic, one bridge carried away rode
to Thomas house, when we met some
men on their way in they report the road
safe, but trees down all the way to S[k]aget
The Bishop visited the Glennies. Rode down
to the Ninds land to see the Potatoes dug.

Up at 7- Rained a good deal during
the night. Philips called, & Breakfasted
Pringle also & talked a heap of nonsense
about Indian schools. Walked with
the Bishop to his land to decide on what
work is to be done. Recd from him a cheque
on B. B. N. America for $842- – on a lot
of his land. Dined at 6½

Commences to rain at day light – Snow
(the first of the season) commenced at 9-
& continued most of the day. Held Court
remained in office writing till 4 P.M.
Long chat with the Bishop & Pringle about
organization of church – wished to resize my
office as Church warden, but held on at the
request of the Bishop. His Lordship gave to Pringle
4 lots (15 acres) as an endowment Pringle
to pay $200- by this day year. McDonnel
[overwritten text]
returned from Williams
Lake & informed
me that Begbie
had arrived at

A Good deal of snow fell during the night
The Moody arrived flags at half mast
in respect to the memory of Capt Robson R. N.
English mail Recd No 17- also letter from Teresa
with Enclosed fm the Capt, without a line
fr him.
Recd Checks fr the Bishop $20- for two seats in
Church $25- for Bell.

Very wet day. Service at 11- 11-
Attendance. Col. [left blank] the Bishop preached
In office. Craigie took over stores
from Sergt Lindsay, also some on acct
of Allison. Steamer Hope arrived from
Yale at 5. PM. Begbie Mathew & Walker
arrived and dined. Service at 7- – 9-
attended Col $1.00 Posted No 17- enclosing
certificate by Begbie of my being in existence

Fine morning. The Moody left fr Westminster
at 7- A.M. The Bishop left in her Rode out
with Begbie on the waggon road to
see the men at work clearing the trees
away. Planted out the strawberry
plants sent to me by Grant.

Fine day Assizes held Jno Burk
convicted & sentenced to 7- yrs Penal service
Hume objected after all was over
as Uren was a part owner or had an
Intent in the house. Rode out with
Begbie & Mathew on the waggon
road to the NcColmne, Heavy shower
of rain on the way in

[no entry]

Beautiful day – finished getting
up Ninds Potatoes. Walked with
Begbie to see the Bishops land
but fear it wont answer the purpose
for which it was intended – Begbie &
Mathew rode out & paid the Glennies
a visit. Craigie returned from
Harrison river did not succeed
in obtaining the information for which he
went. McTavish returned fr Kamloops
& spent the evening

Beautiful day finished getting up Ninds
potatoes. Begbie & Mathew rode out, walked
with Begbie to the Bishops land, ditch
finished but fear it wont carry all the
Water away.

Rain during the Day – held court
Landvoigt summonsed by Orr for wages,
Begbie & self sat & heard the case.
Thomas arrived from Upr Country.

Frosty morning rode out with Begbie
on waggon road.
Steamer arrived. Recd from Newton a
ton of hay. Wylde came up
Resigned the office of Church Warden, not being
longer to put up with Pringle annoyances.
Arrange with Coe & Thomas that the former
is to have possession of Lots 23 & 24 B2 – Suburban
till the 1st Nov 1862 –

Fine morning but very cold, the Moody
went to Yale – Service at 11- 12- present
Paid Thomas in full for the lots I bought fr him
in on the 20th Augst & took up the Bill, deducting
his rent of Lots 23 & 24 – B2 – & $194-03 – for
Landvoigt. Begbie & Sweet left to my great
relief. Sent down Prisoner H. Hanson fr Lytton in
charge of special Constable Wm Nicoll. Service
at 7- 3- present. Dined at the Fort.

Up early set McDonnell to work & marked out
the lines of trail opposite Charles Island, Harston
arrived with Greys big boat en route for Lytton
nearly came to grief by the parting of his roaps
Glennie & Miss G, paid me a visit. Paid Philips
$200- on the Bishops acct part being including
balance of Campbells order. Bad head ache
Philips spent the evening.
Very seedy turned in at 10-

Hard first during the night, Head still very
painful, walked out to see McDonnell at
work on the trail, also to Ninds land. Edmonds
blasted some roots of [trees]. Settled with Pringle
Paid him in full the amt of offeratories in
my hands $139-60½ – also endorsed to him
two cheques of the Bishops for $45.00- & took
his receipt.
Commenced reading “A life for a Life” by Miss Mulock
Wretchedly lonely & in the blues all the day

Slight snow during the day night, which
almost disappeared by 9- O.C. In house all the
day. What a wretched look out for
winter. I wonder how long I shall have
to live in such a place!

Fine day in house writing the whole
of it. Posted No 18- to dearest Mamsey
Philips called in the evening but did
not stay very long. Turned in at 11- OC
thoroughly tired & wearied of my own company.

Slight fall of snow during the night.
Settled with Craigie to for Salary house acct
&c &c to 31st Octr paying him $280-63- leaving
a bal due due him $24-74 –
Remained in house the entire day –
very lonely uncosey. How I hope there may
be an English mail tomorrow

Very heavy rain during the night
Up at 6- Str Moody arrived at 7- Nind on
board not looking very well, & informed me of his
intention of going to England on Med Certificate
Sent Craigie down the river in search of his
purse containing about $120 of which he had
been robbed – but without effect. Walked over
his land. Report reached as that E. Bullin
Dutch Jack & 12 Indians had been drowned in
the Canñion – poor Bullin I am so sorry fr him
Pringle dined with us & remained till 12- Charles
remained a short time.

Str Moody arrived fr Yale at 8½ & went
down to Westminster almost immediately
Wet day Church at 11- 9 attended
Went in canoe with Nind to the Str
remained in house nearly all day
reading & chatting to Nind, did
not go to Evening Service. Pringle
called & said 5 had attended
Turned in at 1- AM

Breakfast 11- Browning &
Pringle called at the same time
but did not speak – Went with Nind
in canoe to look for the pony which
had been stolen fr him on Saturday
but did not find it – home at
7- Pringle came & bothered me
with Philips drawings

1861-11-26 *
Left in canoe for Westminster at
9- OC with Nind & Pringle & 5 Siwash
beautiful frosty morning reached Harrison
River at 12 favourable wind [remained]
fr 3 PM till we reach[ed] W. M. at 9½
dined & slept at the Colonial

Went to the Camp with Nind, how
glad they were all to see me, dined
at the Mess with the Colonel, Large
party. Singing & music in the evening
Gave Luard Certificates for titles of
lots purchased from Thomas, also
for Ninds Suburban & Rural lots.
Sat up chatting with Luard – slept
in his quarters – Paid Mrs Moody a
long visit
[overwritten text]
Paid Luard $200
the price two
Suburban Lots which
he purchased for
[illegible] at last sale

Wet morning walked to town with
Nind, & paid Gosset a visit. Mrs Moody
confined of a daughter. Paid Mrs Spalding
a visit. Str Otter arrived, & brought
Crease Trutch – the Archdeacon Sheepshanks
Dundas, Mrs & Mr Reeves & family –
No English mail much to my disgust
no particular news from Victoria

Wet morning after a considerable
amt of [illegible] decided on returning to
Hope. Paid the Col, a visit long chat
about Moberlys business, he decided on
sending Sapper Brackenridge to explore
Craigies route. Steamer Hope left at
3- called for me at the Camp – reached
Langley at 7- Paid Mrs Newton a visit –
found Dr Oliver there. Recd fr Newton for
Darrah $81-25 – Slept on board – such
a wretched night rain pouring through the roof
[overwritten text]
Passengers on board
the Hope – Trutch
Mr & Mrs Reeves
Read – Pringle
Brown Green
Landvoigt &c

Started from Langly at 7- Reached H
River at 12 P.M. Trutch left in the Dutchman
for Douglas, took Ballows information with
reference to the death of Wm Garrick supposed
to have been murdered, also that of Chas
Allen, Engineer of the Dutchmen & T. F. Glennin
large quantities of ice coming down the river
anchored about a mile & half about the 21
mile ranch – very heavy rain all night
everything wet on board.

Back to Peter O’Reilly’s 1861 Diary

Peter O’Reilly’s 1861 diary has been transcribed by volunteers and staff of the Vancouver Island Local History Society and is for informational purposes only. Researchers interested in this diary are advised to consult the original document housed at the Royal British Columbia Museum & Archives, found in MS-2894, the O’Reilly family fonds.

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