
Up early fine morning – Capt Irving called
& paid Crown Rent for store at boats landing.
Held Court – Walker fined $25- for assault.
Str left at noon. Constable Commelin went down
in search of the 4 men for whose arrest he had
warrants. Walked with Pringle & wife
Constable Cregie commenced duty –
Constable Higman resigned
dined at Thomas & had with Moberly
who spent the evening.

Up early breakfasted at Burns with Moberly
Held Court – busy in office initiating
Cregie into his new duties. Pringle
called – Glennie left for Dewdneys
Camp on the grey mare – very questionable
if either of them get there. Rode a
short distance beyond the Bridge
Horse very fresh – Attended Pringles
singing class – which went off
tolerably well for first time. Recd note
from Good & dispatched canoe to Yale for Haynes

Up at 5- His Excellency in a fuss
all his men drunk & the horses no
where to be found. Haynes left for
Rock Creek taking with him there
horses & Ross, Dewdney – arrived – The
Gov left in a hurry for Yale – Str Col
Moody arrived. Luard came & took
up his Quarters – No mail – Elliot &
Burnaby arrived fr. Yale dined, &
slept – Pringle & Charles & Dewdney & Good
spent the evening – sat up late

Wet morning – up at 8½. Capt Bakin
called to ask for employment & appeared in
great distress – but unfortunate fellows quite
drunk. The Gov arrived fr Yale at 10 unexpected
all in confusion fr. last light – Deputation
for the inhabitants, not very flattering –
Spoke to him about an increase of pay which
he promised – also an extra constable. Luard
greatly in the way whenever I wanted to wa wa.
Walked with Luard – Burnaby & Pringle to big lake
Elliot Charles & all spent the evening.

Luard & Elliot left for Yale. Frank
Higman for Similkameen – Held Court –
Sutton fined for assault on Chas [left blank]
by tr[y]ing him &c – Marshall paid
the rent of Union Bar ditch for month
ending 20th Sept – Rode with Burnaby
to 2nd crossing of Quaquealla – shot a br of grouse
which I gave to Mrs Pringle. Charles Burnaby
dined. Constable Teague assaulted & prisoner
[illegible] – Prisoner afterwards arrested by
Constable Cregie.

Beautiful morning – Went with Burnaby Charles
to the Blanket tearing & patlatch
Church at 11- 20 attended. Mrs Pringle
played harmonium for the first time
walked with Burnaby – called on the
Glenies. Miss quite charmed B. called on
Mrs. Pringle & walked with her – Service at
7- 19- attended Landvoigt played
harmonium – Collection $10-25 – Charles
spend the evening. No steamer much to
my disappointment.

Held Court – great excitement
about Sutton & Durstan both of
whom I fined – 10- & 25- $ respectively also
Van Doan for whisky selling & Ross for
interference with the constable. Called on
the Glenies & walked with them to their
new house – dined & spent the

Head Court – & in office till 12- O.C.
went with Burnaby & Charles to
fish – Capital sport – Killed two over
two lbs each – Dined at Charles
Attended the singing class at Pringles
Afterwards tea – not at all well
very cold – Recd notes from Luard
& Elliot

Held Court – Rode with Burnaby
to Jesmond hill to see the Cols farm
& proposed drains. Burnaby got a
cropper – Called at Glennies to enquire
after Mrs who is suffering fr. Panama fever
Luard arrived from Yale, he Burnaby
Glennie & Charles dined – Pringle
spent the evening – Bad cold

Fished with Luard Burnaby not
particularly good sport. Killed one 3- lb
trout. Cregie sent for me rode home
Steamer arrived at 6½ – with
English mail – Recd No 15- fr. Mamsey
only 1- newspaper
– enclosing list of things
sent by the Princess Royal
Charles spent the evening sat up
late. Cold no better

Busy in office – Sent parcel to
Good by Landvoigt Steamer left
at 11- AM. Luard & Burnaby walked
to Glennies house & fished but had no
sport – walked with Charles to meet them
Charles dined – Pringle came in
the evening – sat up late –
Cold no better.

Up early Held Court – Rode
with Luard to 2nd crossing of Quaquealla
fished & had capital sport. Burnaby
walked & took the Gun – did not get
back till late. Dined Pringle &
Charles spent the evening
Cold very bad
Posted No 15- to Mamsey & news

Up early very wet day. Read
Service at 11- Holy Communion
6- remained – Collection $2-51.
Steamer Col Moody arrived at
3½ – no mail – Dewdney came
up & as usual went to the Glennies
Service at 7- 6 attended – no

Beautiful morning – Paid Marston
110-$ – on Gov acct $3- express
charges on letters for the Gov. Str Moody
left for Yale – her first trip, a good
deal of excitement. Luard & Burnaby
went out to fish. Went to Union Bar
to settle dispute between Edward & Co & the
ditch Co. –

Str Moody returned for Yale
& left at 9 AM for W. Minster
Very wet day – During the night
we had the greatest thunder storm
I can remember Got the horse
shod – Settled with the Doctor
Recd a present of all sorts of

Started for the Similkameen
with Luard Burnaby & Dewdney
Turnbull & Satcher – go in
advance with pack animals
Camped at Beaver lake about
4½- – uncomfortable camp – no
water convenient. Tremendous thunder
storm during the night.

Left the lake house at 9½
got after a capital breakfast
prepared by Dewdneys Chinaman
got to old camping ground 15
miles at 2- P.M. where we lounched
reached the ravine 5 miles forth
at 4- disturbed by the arrival of
D- pack train – turned in at
10- P.M. rat in tent which
disturbed us much – the trail
greatly cut up.

Horses lost – Mexican & Indian
sent to search them. Walkers which
was hired by Burnaby & Dewdney pack
horse no where to be found – Got
off at 11- Burnaby mounted on one of
Dewdneys mules (Satin) – Turnbull
reached the camp at 5 – distance
about 17- miles – Pack mule did not
get up [deletion] the night Luard & myself
sat at the fire all night – hard work
cutting trees

Horses again lost.

[no entry]

[no entry]

[no entry]

[no entry]

[no entry]

Up at 6- cold morning started for
Hope at 8- slight shower of snow
passed Hunts train in the valley, & some
China men going to Similkameen. Reached
the Lake house where we fed the horses
& were well treated by the China man
Arrived at Hope at 8½ – found Begbie
& Bushby in possession & the whole house
in a mess of filth & dirt – Begbie the
same disagreeable & offensive. – Bushby
jolly & good little fellow he always was

Beautiful morning up at 6- Begbie refused
to allow the prisoner Galagher to be committed
but sent the case with the witness before
the Grand who found a true bill – a verdict
of guilty was afterwards returned by the [party] jury
Begbies charges was absurd in the extreme
& directed the Jury to present & in fact to [imagine]
into the conduct of the Magistrate generally
acting upon this they issued summons
for the constables to appear before them at
the Columbia house, [deletion] in the evening at 7- O.C.
[overwritten text]
Elliot arrived and
made application
for titles for my

Wet morning. Begbie, Bushby Luard
& Burnaby formed a quior & practiced for
church – service at 11- Bad attendance
only 10- – Walked with Begbie & as
usual the Steamer arrived while I was
out – English mail – but no letter from Mamsey
much to my disappointment. Recd one fr
Teresa. Service at 7- 8- attended –
Collection $3//36-. Pringle handed me $2
the collection of last Sunday.

Up at 6- cold morning heavy rain
during the night – Begbie rode
with my horse with Dewdney to Beaver
lake – in office nearly all day
walked with Luard in the
evening – Tea & Singing at Pringles
Sat up till 2- AM long chat with
Bushby. Robt Cooper died at
ten O.C. AM – held inquest – verdict
died of Delerium Tremens – Inventory
taken by Constable Cregie of his effects

Pringle refused to read service on
the deceased Cooper – & thereby gave
great offence. Glennie performed the
office. Steamer Caledonia arrived
from Victoria – Jemmison Capt –
In office – A good deal of excitement
with reference to the Grand Jury
presentment. Begbie returned
from Beaver lake – my horses back
very sore. Paid Begbie $33- & settled with
him for the veranda & every thing else –

Settled my acct with Bushby
in full – Bushby & Begbie left for
Harrison River per Caledonia on
route to Douglas. Wet day – Gompertz
tried to wade the Quaquealla & was
almost drowned – Sent a bundle
of papers to Ball by Buie.
Gompertz dined Pringle & Charles
spent the evening. Very wet day

Back to Peter O’Reilly’s 1860 Diary

Peter O’Reilly’s 1860 diary has been transcribed by volunteers and staff of the Vancouver Island Local History Society and is for informational purposes only. Researchers interested in this diary are advised to consult the original document housed at the Royal British Columbia Museum & Archives, found in MS-2894, the O’Reilly family fonds.

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