
Held Court, started with Charles for
Grants Camp at 9- – “Tom” – Moberlys
man called & was inclined to be rather
cheeky about the seizure of yesterday.
Reached Camp at 2- PM – found J G up
to his eyes in business, but very jolly as
was also the Doctor. Walked part of the
way with J.G. through the new pass, where
the mule trail is being carried – very hard
work – sat up late chatting –

Snow on the mountains the first
of the season – Up at 7- started for
Hope at 10½ J.G. rode part of the way
Called at Dewdneys preemption where
Chisholm was bridging the pool fed our
horses at Engineer Camp tent reached home at 5
Found the road cut up in places, showing
signs of giving way on the 3, 4 & 5 miles
Paid a number of J.G’s men – Charles dined
Arranged for Craigies start to Kamloops

Up at 4- Indians started at 5- packed –
Craigie Charles Mashell & self left
at 6- found the B.B. trail beginning to give
way – reached the 2nd cedar log at 12- walked
with Craigie about 6 miles along the Quaquealla
river, where I think there will not be much
difficulty in constructing a road – returned
to camp at 6- rather short of cooking
utensils, but Mashells ingenuity supplied
our wants – slept without a tent very

Up at 4- breakfasted & packed
up our traps & got under way at 7-
Kettledrum rather rusty & delayed us
half an hour – reached hope at 1- P.M.
Paid Grants men for him.
Steamer returned from Yale at
2 P.M, & left again for Westminster
Borrowed $500- fr Landvoigt & $347-50
fr. Charles – to pay J.G’s men & repaid it again
same day. Recd fr Luard on J. G’s acct

Wet, & cold morning – had stove
put up – Paid some men of Grants
Grant arrived from his Camp & took up his

Heavy rain during the night, & nearly
all day. Service at 11- O.C. – 5- attended
Landvoigt’s train started in charge
of Orr, & Brunskill for Cariboo.
Charles & Grant dined.

Very wet night & morning
County Court Held at 11- O.C. – Chisholm
paid for Coe on acct of execution of Peterson
$ [left blank] Grant left for his camp, but
returned again to report that the road
had broken down. Raining heavily all day
Issued summonses – wrote letters
Charles breakfasted & dined

Fine morning Grant left for his camp
rode with him to see what damage
had been done to the road, sat Reed to [illegible]
the slides, Edneys train left for Cariboo in
charge of D. T. Robinson, went in canoe
to Hudson bar to settle disputes among
some Chinamen – returned at 6- PM
Moberly called to say that he would repair
the road. – Charles dined. Mrs Pringle confined
P. in great force at having a son & heir.

Heavy rain during the night. Wm Peon
arrested for being drunk & giving whisky to
Indians, & was very obstreperous. Held Court
In office till 4- Planted out the Rhododendron
sent in by Grant – rode out to the Bishops
farm. Dined at Glennies – Charles & Moberly
danced & got home at 1½ A.M. –
Todd with Brigade arrived from Kamloops

Fine morning up at 7- Held Court
Recorded claims & water priviledges. In
office all day Wrote to Ball Sanders &
Elliott with reference to an increase of salary
To Good enclosing heard Michaud’s proposal
to rent his lands & memoranda of acct
due me by him as Private Security – Moberly
dined. Steamer expected but did not
come. Charles spent the evening.
Rec fr. Anderson – a package containing £449-7-0
for J.G.
[overwritten text]
Constable Edmonds
discovered that Prisoner
Burk had almost cut
his way out of Jail
with a gimlet

Up at 6- Beautiful morning getting
cold – In office nearly all day Held
Court at 11- Rode out at 4 – Str arrived
at 5- English mail. Recd No 14 & 15
from dearest Mamsey
a whole heap of
officials & other letters. Heard of Mrs Charles
on the confinement & of the arrival of a son & heir –

Up at 6- Str left for Yale & returned at 2- PM – sent $100
by Jeffrey to pay Petterson’s execution in full.
Recd from Hume for Cox $42- & a letter containing
two nuggets
. Frank Higman made up mail
Craigie not having returned Steamer left at
2- P.M. Charles dined – visit from Mr &
Mrs Glennie. Send a bundle of Rhoden
-drens to the Governor – grown on
Skagit flat. Posted No 16- with
enclosure for Tommy

Beautiful morning up at 7- Charles
breakfasted. Services at 11- only 4 present
No Collection. Walked with Charles to Pringles
clearing & to his Island. Moberly & Charles
dined. No evening service
Recd Lane returned Cariboo, having made
in three months $2000- he give a veryencouraging report of the Upr Country –

Rain during the night, fine morning
Richd Lane called & insisted on my accepting
a nugget. Paid Sergt Lindsay $40- for
hay bought for Grant. Moberly called & left
in my keeping a mortgage on his property in
favour of Major Foster – remained about
the place all day, Charles dined
Pringle dined spent the evening
Craigie not yet returned very
uneasy about him

Showery day throughout
Remained in office. Moberly
called & remained a long time
Walked with him to the Church
& afterwards to Gompertz & Goods
Land. Dined with Moberly. Landvoigt
called in the evening. Blowing a
perfect hurricane –

Very stormy night & beautiful morning
Wrote letters Moberly called. Paid Edney
$6-25- a whip for widening the road
from Thomson to Dewdneys –
Rode McKay arrived having left
his horses at the 12 mile ranch, &
returned again to bring them up in the
morning. Craigie arrived fr Kamloops
very short of provision not having had any
for two days, & makes a favourable report of
the practicality of the route for waggon road.

Wet morning up at 6- Wrote my requisitions
& cash books busy in office all day
Steamer Moody arrived – an amazing
number of letters. Col Hawkins & Party
arrived – Recd from Luard per Lord
£350- £250- for Grant – £100 for the
repair of Hope & Similkameen trail beyond
the summet. Recd from Mr Rhodes $330
per Jeffrey’s Express on account of expenses
incured on running the Tunnel at Silver lead
Col Hawkins & Party took up their quarters –
[overwritten text]
Capt Irvine
Anderson McKay
& Charles spent
the evening

Fine morning up at 6- Str went to Yale
& returned at 1- Left again for N W M at 2
wrote a number of officials. Paid off all
the $330- recd yesterday to the men of the Silver
lead. Sent by Lord $105-75 the amt in my hands to Cox after
deduction the amt paid for his stationary

Up at 6- busy preparing to start for
Similkameen Edmonds left with pack
horse at 10- AM. Left with Col Hawkins
Lord & Baurman at 11-½

[no entry]

[no entry]

[no entry]

[no entry]

[no entry]

[no entry]

[no entry]

[no entry]

[no entry]

Up at 6- Writing in office. Grant
& the R Engineers arrived on route to
Westminster for the winter Band playing
& all looking jolly as could be. Camped
opposite the Court house. Darrah & his
party left for the Sumass. The band
tried to play but failed signally
having imbibed rather freely. Grant &
Dr Oliver dined & slept – turned in at
12- OC.

Up at 6- Held Court. Busy in
office nearly all day paying Grants
men. Long chat with Finlaison about
the Cariboo. Band played for a couple
of hours. Rode with Grant to see
the Bishops land. Dined at 6-
Band played beautifully how it sounded
one of old times.

Rose at 7- Wet morning –
Steamer expected all day but did
not come – rote my report of trip
to Similkameen Paid Mrs Pringel a
visit. Crickmer arrived fr Yale & paid
me from Ball for stationary […..] £2//17-
Sheriffs fees to 1st Octr 1861 […..] 7//18//6
Rent at Lytton [ ………………………..] 5//10 0
Do Yale [……………………………………] 2//8//0
[………………………………………………] £18//15//6
Band played during dinner

[webmaster inserted […] for spacing]

Back to Peter O’Reilly’s 1861 Diary

Peter O’Reilly’s 1861 diary has been transcribed by volunteers and staff of the Vancouver Island Local History Society and is for informational purposes only. Researchers interested in this diary are advised to consult the original document housed at the Royal British Columbia Museum & Archives, found in MS-2894, the O’Reilly family fonds.

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