Transcription from the Archives of British Columbia & Point Ellice House Collection
Transcribed by Louanne A. Mah, 1992
Digitized 2020
These letters were transcribed to accurately reproduce the originals – i.e. the spelling, punctuation, and capitalization follow the originals as precisely as possible.
Letter from the original transcriptionist, Louanne A. Mah:
To: Jennifer Date: 31 Jan 1992 I found some information on H. Stanhope that will help a bit. As you know, his full name is Henry Athole Scudamore-Stanhope.
- Harry became the 11th Earl of Chesterfield in 1933
- He was born May 29, 1855 and was the son of the 9th Earl and Dorothea (daughter of Sir Adam Hay)
- Entered the navy in 1869, Lieut. In 1879, Commander in 1892
- Captain and retired in 1905
- Harry S. served on the Nile Expedition 1884-85. (Egyptian medal, class, Khedives star)
- Harry died Nov. 2, 1935 – his heir was a nephew, Edward Henry Scudamore-Stanhope, whose address was Stourwood, Bournemouth.
- Stanhope’s brother was Edwyn Francis Scudamore-Stanhope who was born March 15, 1854 and died Jan. 24, 1933. In 1933, Harry’s address was: 41 Grosvenor Square, W.1. and Benningbrough, York – where he must have had a cottage or house.
Reference: Who Was Who, Volume III – 1929–1940, pub. Adam & Charles Black, London. (public library – Victoria) I also have a couple of British addresses to contact re: Stanhope just in case there is further info in some other archival family. Who knows we might just come across Kathleen’s letters to Harry! Wishful thinking – but it’s always worth a try.
2020 – This collection was originally titled “O’Reilly/Stanhope Correspondence 1865-1935” and was renamed in 2020 during the digitization process. The scant letters dating between 1865–1890 were determined to not be relevant, and so were removed. This collection incorporates an additional selection of material from the BC Archives and the Point Ellice House collection, found in a different binder of letters at Point Ellice House. At the time of digitization, the collection was broken into sections by year for organization.
Footnotes added at this time are signed “2020” for clarity. Closed brackets may indicate notations left by the original transcriptionist.
- Letters from 1891
- Letters from 1892
- Letters from 1893
- Letters from 1896
- Letters from 1897
- Letters from 1898
- Letters from 1899
- Letters from 1900
- Letters from 1901-15
- Letters from 1916-35
- Letters Year Uncertain
This collection of letters and documents has been digitized from an earlier transcription project and is for informational purposes only. This transcription has not been verified against the originals. Researchers interested in these letters should consult the original documents housed at the BC Archives.