Peter to Caroline, August 11, 1888

Saturday 11th Augst.

I have had a busy week from morning till night each day, with one exception the weather has been fine, & I am pretty well. Tomorrow night we hope to reach Alert Bay, where I may receive my mail, it was ordered to be sent there but we know of old that you cannot always depend upon them doing as they are told. God grant that I may receive good news of you all. I cant help being nervous & fidgetty, I long for full particulars of you all.

Dont I pray you neglect to write to your old friends in Victoria. Mrs. Jenns Mrs. Thomson, Mrs. Jackson Mrs. Ward &c. I wont write more now, but will send more after I arrive at Alert Bay when I hope to receive a letter from you.

[written vertically on top of page one]

Send invoices with deductions for Discount packing &c &c as soon as you can. The ordering of these things need not take you more than two or three hours.

[page missing?]


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This collection of letters has been digitized from an earlier transcription project and is for informational purposes only. This transcription has not been verified against the originals. Researchers interested in these letters should consult the original documents housed at the BC Archives.

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