[page missing?](*1)
It will be three long weeks on Saturday since I said goodbye to you all and not a word I have heard of you since, too long, is it not hard – the letter you said you wd send to Ottawa had not arrived when I left there, it will I hope be waiting for me at Victoria. God grant that you all Keep well, & that I may have a good report. I am of course greatly disappointed at not receiving a telegram I was very sanguine that Frank would have got something through Sir Michael but now I am afraid the dear lad has been disappointed, but I hope it wont be for long. Puss I trust is keeping well. do all for her that you can, why not consult some other man besides Livingston, you could do so without saying anything to him. I hope also dear one, that you have been quite well, and that you will make a point of seeing everything, dont let the expense stand your way, I have never set much value on money, except that I might have it to provide what you & the children require, but sometimes I have thought that you went about getting what you required in a expensive way, & lost a great deal of time, but that was but a trifle. so remember that the money is your own, & it will be a great disappointment if you dont use it as you please. What more can I say to remove any impression you may have formed from any remark of mine on this subject?
By the time this will reach England – you will be preparing to receive the dear wee man, it is a very great trial that I cannot be with you all – you must be sure to make his vacation a happy one, one to be ever remembered by him. I shall be most anxious to learn what arrangements you have made – particularly with regard to Frank, as should you decide on leaving London during Jack’s vacation it will be very dreary for him – more later.
I closed and posted a letter to Frank an hour ago; this moment I have received a telegram from Joe which he got from Mr. Hughes with reference to Frank going to Buenos Ayres – to which I have this moment replied to Hughes as follows “Concur. Frank go to Buenos Ayres.” Of course I know nothing except that The Admiral Mr. Hughes, Mr. Sherman & you approve – I hope it will be with Gods blessing turn out to the dear lads prosperity & happiness. Of course you drain whatever is necessary for his outfit &c &c. I so much wish I could have him on hand to assist & to bid him God speed. he has been constantly in my thoughts since I left England I felt very miserable lest he should be disappointed and thereby discouraged. I will waite with impatience to hear from you, who knows if I shall have particulars before I shall have to leave for the N. Coast. The heat is intense & the Mosquitoes very troublesome so much so that I cannot write more, as I must send this to the mail at once. I will write immediately I reach Victoria. Very kind regards to Sir Michael I fancy I can see this assistance he has rendered in this matter re Frank. If he, Frank, has left before my letter reaches England, read it & forward with my love & blessing. Time is up
God bless you all
Your always loving husband
[written vertically on top of ↑]
It is an annoyance to me that the Telegram reached Joe – he has not I think behaved nicely about Frank and now the arrangement with regard to him will be known to all Victoria
Mrs. Dewdney begs for a photo of Frank, send her one. I hope you remember to have his likeness taken. Get one of the potato peelers – we saw at the Exhibition (the Danish) I think for Jin Win
they all send their love to you
*1 2020 – It is probable that this page is a continuation of Peter’s letter to Caroline dated July 11, 1888.
This collection of letters has been digitized from an earlier transcription project and is for informational purposes only. This transcription has not been verified against the originals. Researchers interested in these letters should consult the original documents housed at the BC Archives.