6th July —-1888
My dearest Wife
Just a line to tell you that I leave for B.C. in an hour – it is now I have had a very busy day, it has been intensely hot & I am tired.
I am very glad I came here every one has been kind & nice. Vankoughnet & wife Messr Pope & White & Burgess. Sir John has done all I wanted. I have not seen much of Lady Mac. —- the str. Sir Jas Douglas she was under orders to go out for 2 months prospecting for deep sea fish but that arrangement has been set aside & she is placed at my disposal from the 25th inst. – I go to Naas Ft. Simpson, Mettaktla & Skeena so I shant have time at Victoria. I have Telegraphed Mr. Green to have everything in readiness I have had a telegram from E. D. he wants to know my movements so that we may meet. I replied that I leave tonight. He is no longer Lieut. Gov. Royal was sworn in a few days since – but Ned is to be Minister of Interior & Indian Dept. there is no doubt about it. he will be sworn in before the end of the present month – No letter from you, so I shall have to wait til I reach Victoria for news of you all – this is hard, but there is no help for it. I hope you are enjoying yourselves – you must see what is to be seen while you have the opportunity. I am anxious to know how Frank gets on in the office with the new hand? I hope something will turn up for him soon. I also trust that the dear Kit is keeping well my thoughts are always with you – my dear ones so far away – God bless & keep you all with much love – Your affect loving husband
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This collection of letters has been digitized from an earlier transcription project and is for informational purposes only. This transcription has not been verified against the originals. Researchers interested in these letters should consult the original documents housed at the BC Archives.