23rd Oct. 88
My dearest Wife.
I know this will be an unsatisfactory epistle – the ink is thick, & I am sure to be interrupted, still I know you will like to get even a line.
I arrived here on Friday night, late, and found all fairly well, some of the children coughing, now they are well. Georgia looks worn & thin, she does too much & wont take rest. She & Tom, the two boys & Joeline go to England next May or June. the children go to school. Tom & Georgia will be absent some three or four months, this is, I believe, their plan.
All here are fond of talking about Frank, he evidently made himself agreeable when here about this time last year. I wish he was here now. I am longing for news of him after his arrival, but it will be several days before letters can reach me, as I leave tomorrow for Keremeos & Similkameen, I shall be absent about a week but should letters arrive during my absence I will make arrangements to have them forwarded.
I wrote to Jack about a week since. I hope you had his corn extracted & teeth attended to. I wish I could think he would work better, his last school report was very discouraging. If you wish him to go study law, he should pay more attention to his writing. Mr. Compton should be spoken to so that his course of study may be in the right direction. Did I tell you that I called Mrs. Seaton, Mr. Compton’s cousin. She has now lodgings in Fort Str. where Mrs. Miles lives, she is trying to get pupils & proposes to start a school for young children. Her husband has a sort of farm on James Island, but they have, I think, 10 children, & are I believe very poor. I saw Mr. Scriven about them, & I think he will do what he can, but as you know, it is difficult. to I had intended to write to Kit this time. I owe her one, but I will try to do so on return from Keremeos. My very fond love to her, I hope she is keeping well, & that she has grown out of her weakness. Has she taken any lessons in Music, singing riding &c &c –?–
I met Mrs. Haynes and her children at the head of Okanagan lake en route to Victoria where she says they will live in the future. An offer has been made for the property, which will, I hope lead to a sale. She would then have a certain income, & would not be dependent on the result of the cattle business – perhaps badly managed.
Georgia wanted me to give her the photo of our trio which I could not part with, but I said I would ask you to send her one, be sure you do so, she was very kind to Frank last year. I wish he had thought of sending her one before he left. I also promised Mrs. Ward that you would give her one of the same ======= You must get your own likeness taken for me. I want it, you need not give it to others if you dont wish. Puss must look to this & see that it is accomplished. I trust you will be able to tell me that you have been successfully treated by the dentist, & that you are all right in that respect for the future.
I had a letter from Mr. Dewdney in which he wanted to know when you would be coming home, as he wanted to pay him a visit to Ottawa, he was about to buy a house, & said he would have plenty of room. I could not tell him, as you never told me.
Hitherto I have not had anything done at our house, everything was just as I found it, but when I go back I must have the bed room, & dining room made habitable. I will see that fires are regularly kept in the unoccupied rooms but unless you wish it, I wont have anything disturbed. I wish you would send instructions in regard to all these matters.
I am, thank God, keeping well. I dont expect to get back to Victoria before the 10th or 15th Nov unless I hear that Dewdney is coming to B.C., he expects to come before Xmas. I suppose Joe & Julia are on their way to England. the former, with John, was to have left Victoria for Kamloops the day after me, & Julia was to have followed two days later since then I have not heard of them. The Wards will also be in London before this can reach you, they promised to hunt you up immediately they arrived. I gave him two small parcels for you, about which I have written you. I sent the field glasses by Joe, they were much in need of repair, & should be recovered, & the glasses adjusted. — Have you heard anything from Capt. Knox? I think you would have enjoyed a short visit to Kingstown. You have not mentioned the East Wind for a long time, how is she, & Carry When does the latter go to Kingstown? I thought she was to join the Wee Capt. there about this time.
I hope you have not omitted to write to Lady S. and Sir M. to thank them for your visit. I am expecting the 2nd edition of Kits letter now long over due. it will I trust, tell me that you are all well & happy. May God bless & keep you & our dear Kit & with my best love. I am
Always your fond & affect. husband
P. O’Reilly
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This collection of letters has been digitized from an earlier transcription project and is for informational purposes only. This transcription has not been verified against the originals. Researchers interested in these letters should consult the original documents housed at the BC Archives.