Peter to Caroline, Regina, July 11, 1888 No. 6.

11th July 1888

My dearest Wife

My last was posted at Ottawa on the 6th inst. just before I left at midnight. I arrived here on the following Monday night, or rather Tuesday morning at 1:30. Dewdney met me & drove me to the house, I need not say that I turned in without delay.

At breakfast next day the party consisted of E.D. Jin Win, Mrs Glennie, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence & Charley Lethbridge. About noon E.D. drove me to call on Mr. Royal the new Lieut Governor a French Canadian, not much either way. In the evening Jin Win had a reception to give his Honor an opportunity of meeting the elite of Regina – about 60 put in an appearance, the affair passed off very well: his Hon remained to the last, & took his deparure about 3:30[?]. well pleased, if he said what he meant. Today we visited & inspected the N. W. Mounted Police Barracks, saw the men at Drill, and afterwards took a drive through the Country & town of Regina.

There is no doubt about E.D. being appointed to the Cabinet about the end of this month, I believe, and Jin Win is preparing for a move, she is sorry to leave her domestic pets to all of which she is devoted & I dont think she likes the idea of life at Ottawa, her great desire is to get back permanently to B.C.

In my last I told you that the Douglas has been placed at my disposal from the 25th inst, and as there is no train from here tonight. I cannot leave till tomorrow, & shall not therefore reach Victoria till Sunday 15th about 10 p.m. This will leave me very little time to do anything at Point Ellice & make my arrangements for I cannot rely implicitly on Mr. Green. I am rather afraid that Hick may kick against being left in sole charge again for an indefinite term. Again if the Titania has not arrived, I shall not know what to do with our property in her. It will be all confusion, I am afraid.

[page missing]


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This collection of letters has been digitized from an earlier transcription project and is for informational purposes only. This transcription has not been verified against the originals. Researchers interested in these letters should consult the original documents housed at the BC Archives.

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