Peter to Caroline, Victoria, October 1, 1888 (#2) No 18

Victoria 1st Oct./88

My dearest Wife.

I posted a letter to you today, an unsatisfactory one, I fear, I would like to improve it but I cant. I am greatly grieved to find that you are so worried when I recd yours a few days ago, the 27th letter, in which you said you would so much like to remain in England until after Jacks vacation (Xmas) I answered at once, & told you to do so & on the following day telegraphed you to the same effect. Now your letter received today makes me think that you are fretting at having said you would like to remain. My dear one, what can I say or do to comfort you – if you decide to return. I shall be overjoyed but if you think it right to stay, why I will try to do the best I can, though I miss you immensely. If you continue to fret, & make yourself unhappy, you must come back to me immediately, and we will try to be happy together, with our dear Kit, until Jack & Frank can join us, as with Gods blessings they will. Now promise me to cheer up, I can not bear to hear of you being so unhappy.

This evening I came home intending to work at my reports, & to write to you about 8 O.C. Mr. Beaumont arrived to say good bye, he leaves tonight. I had called to see him twice, but he was out. he was very nice, & is apparently much improved in health – the poor young widower returns to Chilcoaten with him.

I am afraid from what you & Kit say, that you were not very happy in the North. I am surprised & disappointed at with her Ladyship – but keep all this most carefully to yourselves – warn Jack & dont let the Wards or Joe suspect anything about it: the latter has taken a great dislike to her, this makes it the more necessary that you should keep your own council, besides on Sir M.s acct. it would not do.
There has been a row, or something very like one today between Julia & Zoe about the F.field house & it would not surprise me if John did not go there to live. The former has been particularly disagreeable of late while Joe is doing his utmost to avoid trouble: she is greatly taken up with the Pinders at present.

The Wards have been very nice to me, I have not seen very much of them, but that is my fault entirely – she is full of regrets at not having written to you. I have promised that you will give her one of the group Photos. It is after midnight, so I will now go to bed. I may not be able to write more tomorrow as I shall have a busy day, if not I will post this as is. I sleep very badly, worse than ever, if I could but get over this bad habit. Thank dear Kitty for her nice letter which she promises to continue. I will try to write to her when I return from Cowichan and also to the dear wee man – Good night and God bless you all dear ones,

As I supposed I have not a moment except again to urge you to take cate of yourselves & try to be cheerful & happy. I believe it is settled that Joe, Julia & the Wards leave on Monday 8th inst. I go to Cowichan tomorrow back on Friday, & will go to Okanagan next week. I will write again on Saturday & or on Sunday. When at Okanagan I cannot write very regularly

My love to

you both I shall expect the 2nd edition of Kits letter

Always your devoted husband

P. O’Reilly


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This collection of letters has been digitized from an earlier transcription project and is for informational purposes only. This transcription has not been verified against the originals. Researchers interested in these letters should consult the original documents housed at the BC Archives.

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