Peter to Caroline, Victoria, September 29–October 1, 1888 No 17

29th Septr. 88

My dearest Wife

On Thursday, the day before yesterday, I sent you a very hurried note in reply to yours of the 5th inst, that day recd and as I thought you might wish for a speedy reply I got Mr. Ward to Telegraph yesterday – “Delay departure for the present”. This will I hope to have conveyed to you what I meant Viz that you were to remain in England as you suggested. Of course I dont know your plans, for of late I have heard but little of what you have been doing.

Hitherto I have not had anything done to make the house comfortable, everything is packed away, & covered, but I was I will now have a couple of rooms put in order. Mrs Chas. Ward has given up coming here, her husband is, I believe very ill. Lizzie I have not seen since my return from England.

I am very glad to hear you have all enjoyed yourselves so much in Scotland. I felt sure Sir M. would be very nice to you, & I feel am deeply grateful to him & to Lady S. for their kindness to you all. The wee man, I fancy, had a good time – today I recd a nice letter from him which I must answer – dear wee chap, I suppose, returned to his school yesterday (28th was I think the day) I thought much of you, & how greatly you would regret parting with him.

I am very glad you have got a furnished dressing bag that you like – had I been with you, I think, I would have made you get one that would have cost more than £4.40. —– You have not told me how Kit is? dont let anything stand in the way of doing for her whatever can be done. I have suggested a great many things in regard to Puss, Frank & Jack but neither you or they ever take the least notice – not even by referring to what I say in your letters. With regards to yourself, you are equally unsatisfactory – Kit writes a very good letter, but she is not particularly good about [?] to me or to her friends.

With regard to what you say about Jack becoming a lawyer – I am quite with you about getting something for him that would keep him with us. I would give a great deal to have Frank back, though I cannot see what he could do here, there no prospect of work at present. If Jack has ability, & application, there is no doubt we could get him into one of the offices here or else where without difficulty. This is a subject you ought to discuss with Mr. Compton, & if you decide on the law the sooner you make it known at the school the better, so that his studies may be directed in that line. I have not spoken about it to anyone here. Joe, as usual, will only talk about his own affairs.

I think it would be a mistake on your part to have Mrs. Boscowitz as your travelling companion.

You have heard of Young Drummond Berkley Drummond cousin to Monte, he has been living at Chilcotin for a short time, but went to England last spring, and got married, he returned to B.C. with his wife: they lived a short time on the ranch, she became unwell, he brought her to Victoria about a month since, & she died today at Mrs. McDonalds boarding house. is it not sad. I have not seen either. Mr. Beaumont is in town. I have called twice upon him but he was out. I met him in town for a moment, he looks wonderfully well. I should like to pay him a little attention, but that is out of the question. The Wards will, I believe, leave on Saturday this day week 6th Oct. Joe says he will try to get away on the 8th – Alice does not accompany her parents. The Aunt objects to the marriage & in deference to her wishes, it is to be postponed for a year. This is of course strictly confidential. I believe, I am the only one that knows it. — John & his family are to occupy Fairfield while the Queen is away. both Harding & Bishop are, I believe, to be kept on to look after the place. John has had one of his severe attacks of indigestion but is better today. I cannot post this before Monday so I will stop for the present

1st Oct., Monday,

In each letter I have had of late from Jack he mentions the gloves, – fur covered, & slippers – do – which he says I promised him, though I have not the slightest recollection of the transaction. I wish you would get him both, good ones, very roomy – also a good warm piece of carpet, or a small rug to put under his table to keep his feet warm, he wants a deer head for his study – it will cost a good deal to send it, what do you think? —–

I have had no end of trouble with the cases from J.A. & N.S. the list they gave of the contents of the several boxes is wrong in every particular. I wanted to get Sir M.B.B.s things but before I accomplished it I had to open nearly every box – my own clothes were sent in the same way, I have not found yet, & as some things are damp I am afraid my clothes will be ruined. Where you will ever find room to put half the supplies &c, is a puzzle to me. — Were there not a number of small oil lamps? I cannot find one Hick says he has never seen them, & had to buy one for himself. I have searched in the cellar & cupboards without success. I wanted on to light the hall, without the trouble of using the large lamp.

Yesterday I went to St. Johns Church, Harvest Festival, decorations very good, large congregations – full choir. two anthems you can fancy what it was. Afterwards I went to Fairfield, the Queen reverse of gracious. Willie Pinder was there, evidently in great favour. The Pinder family have returned to Victoria, he had, I believe, to return to Comox for a few days. — I go to Cowichan tomorrow, I shall be for absent 3 days & next week I go to Okanagan & Similkameen where I shall be for about a month. I hope you & Kit are comfortable, & that you will enjoy yourselves whenever you have a chance, above all that you both keep well. My God guard and keep you. My fond love to Kit.

Always your affect. & devoted husband

P. O’Reilly

I am longing for news of Frank. If I could find the Key of the new dispatch box, I would sent it to Frank. I will send a small parcel by Joe or Mr. Ward to you it will contain a few things for Jack & Frank.


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This collection of letters has been digitized from an earlier transcription project and is for informational purposes only. This transcription has not been verified against the originals. Researchers interested in these letters should consult the original documents housed at the BC Archives.

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