On board
Friday 29th June/88
My dear Frank.
The lunch things have been cleared away and lest I should not have much time at N.Y. I will commence an epistle to you – -first to tell you how very pleased I was to receive your letter at Queenstown & to thank you for it.
I am, as you may suppose, very anxious to hear the result of your application for work through Sir Michael and will hope for a telegram at N.Y. conveying the good news if not you must be discouraged, but stick to your office work, & dont be afraid to ask Sir Michael to assist you. I am sure he will do so if he can – but dont rest here, your friend Mr. H. might be able to do something – I have not much faith in K. after the late episode but I would almost prefer that you should be employed under him at first. I am however very confident of something coming of the present application – if not, personally I should prefer you to return to your home in B.C. though I feel that it would be better for you to have some work in England before you return. Dont conceal from K that you are trying to get work elsewhere – you doing so would annoy him, & he must know if sooner or later, as you will have to refer to him for a recommendation. Though I have aid all this before I cannot help writing it for you are so constantly in my thoughts. I hope you will always write very fully to me of all that concerns yourself. Whatever I can do to forward your views, & lead to your success & happiness you can at all times rely on. I will send you the books from N.Y. if they are to be had – this will be attended to on Monday morning without fail. I will write a line more on this subject before I close —
We have had some rough weather with continuous head winds I will send with this a return of each days run as also those of last trip, the quickest on record (when your uncle crossed)
There is a good deal of speculation among the passengers, some large bets have been made that we will reach N.Y. tomorrow Saturday afternoon. I hardly think we shall do so before Sunday morning: in any case I shall not get away for Ottawa before Monday morning.
I hope you will take your Mother & Puss about, see what is to be seen & dont let them mope, & use the opportunity that now have of seeing whatever is worth going to – Make a point of seeing Mr. Hughes, he is a good fellow, I should like you to be friendly with him should you go to Spain, you should find him a useful friend to have in England.
There are a queer lot on board, nearly all low class Americans, with a goodly sprinkling of German Jews. When at Queenstown some young fellows bought a donkey, & by paying an extravagant price, got it put on board – each day it is raffled, the winner being always anxious to get it off his hands as quickly as possible, lest on arrival at N.Y. he might be called on to pay the expenses. this evening is fine, & a number of youngsters, male [?] are strumming away at the piano they are now attempting your song “Eaton Boat Song” – it is so discordant I must stop for the present
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This collection of letters has been digitized from an earlier transcription project and is for informational purposes only. This transcription has not been verified against the originals. Researchers interested in these letters should consult the original documents housed at the BC Archives.