Peter to Frank, Regina, July 12, 1888

Thursday 12th July 1888

My dear Frank

It is difficult to find news to fill two letters to the same place at one time, & as I have been writing to your mother, I fear there is not much left for me to tell you.

I have chronicled my movements by every opportunity since I left England though written mostly under difficulties. Tonight I leave for Victoria at 1-30. What an awful hour! Dewdney & wife were to have accompanied me to Banff but he has received a telegram & has had to alter his plans – I shant reach Victoria till Sunday night a most inconvenient day & hour.

I told your mother how unfortunate I was in not finding the Onderdonk family at home in N.Y. Since then I have spoken to Mr. Burgess Dep Minister of Interior about employment for you, and today I intend to speak to Dewdney on the same subject – he is now as good as Minister & will be sworn in before the end of the month. I trust the books I sent from New Y. have reached you & that they are what you wanted. I hope, my dear boy, that you are working hard, & trying to qualify yourself for whatever may turn up, it would be a great mortification if you were obliged to decine work when offered, from a feeling that you could not, in justice to yourself, accept it. Attend all the lectures you can, not only on Engineering but chemistry, Geology, Architecture &c with a little knowledge of these subjects you could, if necessary, easily work yourself up. Anything you want to advance yourself, that is in my power, you shall have cheerfully.

I wish you would try to write more fully about yourself & all you do, you know I like to hear from you. Dont longer be an oyster. After my arrival at Victoria I shall have more to say & you may be sure you will have the benefit of it. Take your Mother & Puss about when you can. Have you thought over what I said about your riding – a few lessons would do you a great benefit – try them

My love to you and all kind remembrances to Sir Michael and all friends

Always your affect & loving father



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This collection of letters has been digitized from an earlier transcription project and is for informational purposes only. This transcription has not been verified against the originals. Researchers interested in these letters should consult the original documents housed at the BC Archives.

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