Peter to Jack, August 24, 1888

On Board “The Sir Jas Douglas”
24th August 1888

My dearest Wee Man.

You have been a naughty rascal, not to have written to me for so long a time, not a line have I received from you since I left Queenstown, exactly two months today. You then promised to write again very soon. What has become of it and of your good promises? I shall soon receive the School report. I hope you will have given satisfaction this term and that you will be well up in your class, above all that your conduct is good. — I also hope that you have been very kind, and attentive to your dear Mater, and wherever you are spending your vacation, that you are having a real happy time, and enjoying yourselves to the utmost. I shall hope to hear from you very often during the vacation, & that you will tell what you do from day to day, in that way you can add greatly to my pleasure, while I am alone.

I found our house very dreary without you all, so much co that I did not care to stop there more than I could help. You will be sorry to hear that the old cat “Tom”, has disappeared, & cannot be found, though Hick has searched diligently for him. I fear he has gone into the brush and died. I missed your little dog “Nick” very much. He always gave me a very warm welcome on my return home.

I few days since, one of the men caught a young Porcupine. I had it brought on board, we put it into a box, kept it for two days, but finally it ate its way out & has not been seen. I fancy it got over board, we were at Anchor, & as the tide was strong we think it could not make the shore & was drowned. There are plenty of deer, we see their tracks every day but have no time to go after them. Geese & Ducks are also plentiful, but we have not got any as yet.

How was Mrs. Compton when you left Uppingham. I hope she has recovered from the effects of the bite. You must tell me everything that occurs at school otherwise I shall not be able to write to you so easily. I must impress upon you that you make a great mistake in writing to the friends who have been so kind to you in the past. Do try to become a good correspondent, it will be a great help to you in the future.

I hope you will think, and try to find out what profession you would like to follow, and let me know as soon as you can. I will assist you so far as I am able when I feel that you have quite made up your mind. You will soon be fifteen, and it is time that you think seriously about this matter. Talk it over with your Mother, & with others, it will do you good to hear the opinion of others. I am troubled about Frank going so far away. I wish it could be otherwise: if he has gone, you must be doubly good to dear Kit, & your Mater. You ought to have a great deal to tell me, whereas I have little to write about, particularly when I am away from Victoria – The greatest pleasure I could now have, would be, to be with you & all, but that cannot be at present. My fond love to your Mater, Kit, & Frank if he is with you, may God bless you all

Always your fond & affectionate father

P. O’Reilly


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This collection of letters has been digitized from an earlier transcription project and is for informational purposes only. This transcription has not been verified against the originals. Researchers interested in these letters should consult the original documents housed at the BC Archives.

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