Peter to Kathleen, December 8, 1896

No. 3

Date: 8 December 1896


My dearest Kit

There have been so many interruptions today that I was driven to put you off with a very short note, but it would not do for you not to have a line from us on Xmas day, but whether this will reach you on the 25th or not. You well know when our hearts & thoughts will be.

May you have a bright and happy day wherever you are, and may every blessing attend you.

my dear good girl.

Your dear Mater has been very busy all the day – she had her innings in town before lunch. Since then a string of visitors & now she is preparing to take the Cornwall girls to the Theatre with Jack as an escort. She has exerted herself to make visit of the C’s pleasant, & I think it has done her good.

The cold snap has been followed by torrents of rain & mild weather which agrees well with us.

Two days ago we had the great wish of receiving your letter of 17th & 20th Nov. to your mother & to me respectively it is marvelous how you manage to tell us so much – I fear you must devote too much time to writing don’t do that dear one. A few lines at a time will suffice.

With regard to going to Rome, should Uncle offer to take you – we feel that it would be a pity to lose such an opportunity but you must do exactly as you like. Again to speak of the possibility of returning with Mr. Ward – when you were going away I told you, you could do just as you pleased , if you are not happy, & don’t see your way clearly to enjoying yourself why come to us, but it appears a pity that you should return so soon. How would it do to return to Effy? I don’t wish to say one word to hamper you – we know you will do what is right & what is for the best & we shall be quite satisfied.

I hope you have succeeded in getting an outfit that pleases you. Don’t forget the Photo.

You did not send Etty Payne’s note as you intended. We dread to hear that the dear old lady is no more.

Louisa Ellis’ address is 10 Queen Anne Grove, Bedford Park, Chiswick.

Try to take some lessons in singing & learn some new song, & get some new music.

I have established a Credit for you at the Bank sufficient to meet all your requirements – so do, & get what you want. I know my Kit well enough to do anything what we are likely to disapprove of.

Your Mater is slowly preparing a list of things she wants you to get for her. Remember I want the best knife sharpener you can produce this will appear on the list.

I don’t think I can say more now. Give our joint & united love to the Wind, to the Admiral & to Cary – “Sweety” the boys and all at the Bank House, your Uncle if you are with them.

We don’t expect Frank much before Xmas.

The Stanleys left for England this morning.

May God bless my darling Kitty with much fond love from all Always your affectionate father

P. O’Reilly


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This collection of letters has been digitized from an earlier transcription project and is for informational purposes only. This transcription has not been verified against the originals. Researchers interested in these letters should consult the original documents housed at the BC Archives.

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