No. 1
Date: 31 October 1896
My dearest Kit.
Your mother has allowed me to scribble a few lines by way of a postscript to her letter. We have just returned the “Matinee”, it was frivolous a farce, but I can’t say I enjoyed the acting. – I did not know the plot & could not hear a word that was said but the music was very enjoyable, particular the pieces that I have heard you so often play. You will be sorry to hear that our old friend Capt. Beatty is no more, his son wrote to tell me of it. It’s appears that he suffered acutely for four days from pneumonia, but passed quietly away when in a sleep on Sunday 26th inst. He was not suited for a Colonist but he was a thorough gentleman a good man when was never understood or appreciated.
Today we heard that young Higgens who married Dolly Helmcken died yesterday in the Joseph hospital, sad is it not and more trouble for the old Doctor
I hope dear one that you are very happy and that you are enjoying yourself. To begin with, fit yourself out with whatever you want there is no use in delaying. I have opened an account for you at the Bank. Get a cheque book & draw as before. We hope you will be asked to pay my some visits & of course we should like you to have everything that is warm as well as comfortable things for we hear that the weather is very cold out there in England. We heard that you had a good passage. & I need not say how very much we long to get your letters. You have been very very good about writing but must not spend too much time as they say, but send a few lines frequently.
You will be glad to hear that your dear mother is quite well. I wish to take her out somewhere every day but more the rain has not let us, but she says I have lots to do.
Tell your Uncle that I will write to him back after the diverting meeting at the Albion I. W. Gave him and your Uncle John & all friends, love from us, with a great deal for you my dear Kit
Ever your affect father.
P. O’Reilly.
Back to Letters 1896-97This collection of letters has been digitized from an earlier transcription project and is for informational purposes only. This transcription has not been verified against the originals. Researchers interested in these letters should consult the original documents housed at the BC Archives.