Peter to Kathleen, Victoria BC, December 26, 1896

No. 5

Location: Victoria
Date: December 26, 1898

My very dear Kit.

You have been very badly treated. I fear in the writing of letters. I cannot rcollect the date of my last – but your Mater has written more recently & Jack has also, he says, written to you! The fact is we have been demoralized the past week what with Franks’ arrival & the usual turmoil that precedes Xmas. My dear one has been some what neglected.

We expected Frank on Monday, but he was detained by ________ at Vancouver, & did not arrive tll Tuesday. He is I am glad to say looking remarkably well, not quite so stout as when he left us in April, but all the better for that we think. He talks of returning to Kootenay about the end of January as he has been taken to complete some work about that time.

We spent a very quiet Xmas day.

We four dined alone & you may be sure we all thought much of you. We hope that were having a very happy time at the Bank House when we suppose you spent the evening, we fancy that your Uncle & Josephine were also at the party particularly as your Uncle John & Charlotte were to pay Lady Musgrave a visit.

Soon after our dinner the ‘’Waits’’ (*1) from St Saviours Church put in an appearance, they usually come on Xmas Eve.

The weather have been unusually mild, too mild for this season, a little frost would have been very acceptable – We all went to St. Saviours at 11 o’c. a very full congregation & the little man gave us a Capital sermon. All Xmas hymns – no anthem – the only return was paid the Drakes a short visit, after church your Mater & I went to see the Thomsons & paid them a short visit.

We have had one letter since your return form Folkestone, in it you told us of your having received an invitation from Lady Musgrave to go to Ireland, & we are anxious to know if you were able to arrange it? and to know all your doings and plans for the future.

I have not heard from your Uncle for an age, he was I suppose very busy in connection with the meeting of the Hale Mines but that is now over, & I shall hope for a letter from him ere long.

I hope you will make an effort to see the Robt. Wards – I should be sorry if they had cause to complain & we know they are very touchy.

We must try to make up our list of wants, so that you may be able to execute our commissions at your leisure. Try to remember anything you see that you think your mother would like for her self, or for the house. We are all you will be glad to know quite well.

This is a very shabby return for your delightful letters – but if it is not posted tonight it cannot go till Monday, & it is better than nothing. Though we have been remiss in writing during the past week, & you are never out of our writing during the past week, & you are never out of our thoughts, very often we find motivates talking of our dear Kit.

Your presents to Frank & Jack have been received & are much appreciated. They will write their own thanks, the Jacket and scarf you mentioned have not come yet. Thank you my dear girl for them.

Give our fond Love to your Uncles & to Josephine – to Carry, the Admiral, the Wards & all at Folkestone & at Percy Lodge, & to all friends. And with a great deal for your self and that you may have a merry New Year and that every happiness may attend you.

I am always
your fond father

P. O’Reilly


(*1) – ‘’Waits’’ are singers.


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This collection of letters has been digitized from an earlier transcription project and is for informational purposes only. This transcription has not been verified against the originals. Researchers interested in these letters should consult the original documents housed at the BC Archives.

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