No. 6
Location: Victoria
Date: January 11, 1897
My very dear Kit
It was a very great relief to us all to learn from your letter to Jack, received today of the 22nd Dec, that you continued well and we hope gained strength after you severe attack while you were staying with Mrs. Ward.
I hope, dear one, that you were quite yourself, and that you had a rare good time at Folkestone during the Xmas. As I said before, we are always on the look out for our letters, but we don’t wish you to put off anything on our account. The next day will always do for us, & then only a few lines rather than distress you, for we realize that with so many to see, & so much to do you must be hard pressed for time.
With regards to your plans, that you must decide for yourself. – We though if your Uncle was going to Rome, & wished you to accompany him, it would be an opportunity that might not occur again, & we think on the whole that you would enjoy & benefit much in every way, but again you are on the spot & I have not the least doubt that you will arrive at the best conclusion. Again my dear Kit with regards to your general plans, you must do as you feel inclined. You appear to have so many invitations it might be well while in England to see all yoru friends, and to remain as long as you are enjoying yourself, & when you wish to return to us I will not say how very glad we shall be. While on this subject I must repeat that it is my wish that you should see everything & enjoy yourself to the utmost regardless of what it may cost, you see what implicit confidence I place on my Kit.
With regards to my going to England I see no chance at present of my doing so. It is not likely that my services in the Department will be much longer required but I do not wish to cut it short by any act of mine, but if your mother could be persuaded to go even for a short visit I would be very glad – it would do her a world of good. she needs a change very greatly.
Mr. & Mrs. Snowden leave for London tomorrow, I believe his intention is to remain in England not more that a month or six weeks. Mr. Gillespie proposes going early in April also for a short visit, I believe. There appears to be some prospect of the Gillespies house being bought for the Admiral. ‘’Admiralty House’’.
Your mother has at last been engaged in preparing a list of Commissions for you, to exercise your judgement, & taste upon. You will receive it from her, perhaps by tomorrow’s mail-: in addition to her requirements, I have a few personal wants to trouble you with. We hope by sending the lists now that you may be able to execute them at your leisure. Perhaps Mr. Ashly may be able to assist you the things or wholesale prices, as before at Cooks or elsewhere and Robt. Ward can tell you when it ship to advantage. No doubt the Store people will pack the things for you, but they should be cautioned to economize space as much as possible.
I hope you won’t neglect to write to Frank – you did not mention him in your letter to Jack, & we thought he felt it – he is peculiar at times but a through good fellow one that’s hard to beat.
You won’t omit to give our love to your Uncles, to Carry, the Admiral, & to all including Sir Michael, also to the Wards, both families. We feel very grateful to Mrs. W.C.W. for her kind care of you the Mater has written her a very nice letter of thanks.
I am obliged as usual to cut this short, very much against my inclination for I like to chat with my Kit. I know you have written & that in a few days we shall receive the very good news that you are quite yourself.
We are I am thank full to say all well, with but our united love & every good wishes.
I am as always your affect Father
P. O’Reilly
The mater is sending by Mrs. Snoden your Martin Muff, Cape. 1 head & two tails. The are addressed to C/O Bank of B.C. Your Mother thinks you might like to have them _____ ______ .
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This collection of letters has been digitized from an earlier transcription project and is for informational purposes only. This transcription has not been verified against the originals. Researchers interested in these letters should consult the original documents housed at the BC Archives.