No. 8
Location: Victoria
Date: 17 March 1987
My dearest Kit
Two days since we had the great pleasure to receive you long interesting letter of the 23rd inst. From Tourin, and to learn that you were quite well, and have been enjoying yourself so thoroughly, for all of which we are most thankful. – Your description of the presentation and ball at the Castle was very good, it has been read over & over again But what a lot more you will have to tell us when that happy time arrives. I have not the least doubt that Scottie turned you out well, & I notice that you don’t fine fault with anything she sent you.
With respect to your coming out with your Uncle John, or at any given time, I think you are quite right not to tire yourself, what we have said before and I can only now repeat that you must judge for yourself in this matter.
You know, my dear Kit how difficult it is for us to arrange any time for your return what we wish to do is to give ya a free, free hand to do as you think will lend most to your enjoyment and happiness.
While on this subject must tell you that yesterday that your mother paid Mrs. Dunsmuir a long visit, all the family were there. Mrs. D. told your mother that Effy would come home not later than the first or second week in June. and again we think it quite certain that Mrs. Palliser will come out about the same time. Should you come out with her, mind I don’t want to influence you, you might not object to a longer sea voyage, & you would find it less troublesome, so there would only be one Custom House to pass.
We are of course anxious to know what has been settled about the trip to the Continent. in a letter today received from your Uncle John, dated 26th Feb. He does not mention
Rome, though Josephine had just been to Walton. I suppose we shall know all about it in a few days, either from you, or from Uncle Joe. Long ago I asked you to have your photo taken, I hope, dear Kit you won’t neglect this.
I have ommitted to acknowledge the receipt of your letter to the Mater of 15th Feb. She may have done so.- The things you mention as having sent, have not yet been received, they will turn up all right. I could follow you everywhere in Dublin, at one time, 40 years ago. I know it well.
One day last week a paragraph appeared in the news papers stating that ‘’A well known military Gentleman, and a lady’’ had received invitations to attend at the Police Court, for riding on the side walk in Victoria, they were subsequently fined $5 – each, and costs, they had riden horses up to Mr. Clay’s door on Fort St. A policeman passed by – they were detected. The gentleman you will be surprised to hear was ____(cut off, unable to read).
The ‘’Wife’’ of the ‘’Pheasant’’ (*1) , Mrs. Shipster. What will the newly promoted Commander say? Won’t there be fun when he returns.
Last week the Mater had two outings. On Tuesday she lunched at Bishop’s Close to meet Bishop Audry, his wife from Oasko, Japan on a subsequent occasion she attended a lecture given by the same Rev Gentleman. She enjoyed both performances. Miss Pearses much regretted that you were not there, as she said ‘’you were always so successful in entertaining the dignitaries of the Church’’ perhaps you will tell me that you did know this!
You will be sorry to know that Belmont (*2) house has been totally destroyed by fire, it was insured, but Mr. Stuart will lose about $900. Rolley has actually lunched here twice lately, & yesterday, he came to tea.
A ladies Hockey club has been started with Nelly Drake as Capt. she is known as Cap ‘’Tom’’
On Monday, we had a nice visit from Geo Preston who was on his way to Frisco, not to be not to be _____ .
this time he said his brother will have go some Govt. work which will last some three months, during which time the wife will remain in the East. George was looking very well.
The Admiral is not happy in connection with Victoria last year has annoyed because the bridge was not yet rebuilt & several other matters put him out with the result that the Flag ship has been very little at Esquimalt. Now he as gone South, to be absent 6 or 8 weeks because of a row, it is said with the Victoria Football Club
A match had been played on the Cartier grounds a very rough game by all accounts, the Navy undefeated. Next day the ‘’Colonist’’ gave it usual up front of the game refers to it so being a rough game, said it was a pity the Navy could not play a ‘’Gentleman’s Game’’ the following day a letter from the Admiral appeared in the same paper calling on the Footbal Club to withdraw the report, & publish an apology & until this was done he could not allow his officer to join in any future matches. The ‘’Colonist’’ wrote to him to say the Vic. Club had noth to do with this
report, & the Capt. Of the Club wrote to the Capt of the Naval team disclaiming all knowledge of the report, & therefore there was nothing to apologize for. The Admiral was not or would not be satisfied, but it might have blown over has not the ‘’Province’’ a week later reporduced the remarks about the Admiral at which he is furious. The ship is now away & the affair may blow over. The Admiral was very foolish to have taken notice of a newspaper report every one thinks he as made a mistake but the ‘’Province’’ went out of its way to be more insulting which is greatly to be regretted.
I am sorry you missed seeing little Mr. White is there no chance of your meeting again. I hope you wrote & explained to him how it happened.
You should make a point of seeing Louisa Ellis & the Robt. Wards. He, by the way would assist you with regards to shipping things to B.C. I am particularly anxious that you should be friendly with them. Don’t neglect Lady Mac, have you see her since you stayed with her?
I write this as a reminder though you may not require it.
Frank is still with us the storm of last week, whic was a return of winter to delayed him, he will be leaving in a few days. He has desired me to say that his card plate is at the stores and he thinks you to order 200 cards, send them to him at Rossland without delay with invoice.
I have a letter from Sir Michael a short time since, which I will send at once, he said he had seen but little of you. The Mater is out of the moment, Frank at Golf I think, Jact out with the play Cast, perhaps to see the Kidd Kins our united love to you my dearest girl. My god bless you – also to your Uncles and to the whole Circle. Your affectionate father
P. O’Reilly
(*1) – Refers to HMS Pheasant.
(*2) – Belmont fire.
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This collection of letters has been digitized from an earlier transcription project and is for informational purposes only. This transcription has not been verified against the originals. Researchers interested in these letters should consult the original documents housed at the BC Archives.